The Night of the Comet

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"Alright, Jer. We're going to walk down the stairs and tell Jenna that we have to finish a birdhouse for Wood Shop today. Got it?" I rehearse our lie to my brother. "Is there even a Wood Shop class?" He laughs and I give him a side glare. "There is if we want to go see Trouble without interrogation from Jenna." 

We hop down the stairs and run into Jenna in the kitchen. "Where are you guys going?" Jenna pours herself some coffee. "Um, we have a project due in Wood Shop." I lie right through my teeth and quickly push Jeremy out the door. "You think she's onto us?" He whispers as we walk to the hospital. I look back at the house. Jenna is watching us from the kitchen window "Nah." I shake my head.

"Oh, I almost forgot something." I open my bag as soon as we are out of sight. I pull out some Oxycotin I stole from under the sink, take two and hand the rest of them to Jeremy. "Don't get caught with those." I smile. When we make it into Vicki's room, the nurse kicks us out. "She's going to be okay." I rub Jeremy's shoulder and then ask him if he wants to go to the grill. "You should be lecturing me about missing school." He furrows his brows although he's not confused. "C'mon Jeremy. I just gave you drugs. Besides, do I look like Elena to you?" I ask and then we start laughing. Of course, I do, I'm her twin.

We get to the grill and I immediately walk to the bar. "Bourbon," I tell the bartender who didn't ask for my ID. I down the first round in a second. "It seems like every time I see you, your drinking." Damon points out the obvious as he sits on the stool next to me. "I can't think of a better thing to do," I look over at Jeremy whose sitting on the other stool next to me. I nod at the bartender to hit me with another but I don't drink it. I give it to Jeremy. He's going to be all kinds of messed up today. "Are you ignoring me now?" Damon fake pouts and I refuse to look at him. "Did you try to kill my best friend?" I don't sugarcoat the question. If we're going to be friends, friends don't lie to each other. Well, they don't try to murder each other's loved ones.

"I didn't know that she was your friend," Damon responds defensively. "It doesn't matter if she's my friend. I don't want you going around hurting people." I grab Jeremy's hand and lead him away.


The day goes by in a blur and the next thing I know, I'm in the woods with Damon. "So, what had you so upset that you were drinking at 8 in the morning?" He walks up next to me with a bottle of whiskey. "I don't know." I shrug and take the bottle from him. "It had to be something. Could it be that your twin has taken your ex?" He guesses a shitty guess that he knew would get under my skin. "Speaking of, you owe me a story, Mr. Salvatore." I change the subject, taking a swig. "And you shall receive, Ms. Pierce." He takes the bottle from me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"It was a dark and stormy night..." He trails off, realizing that his jokes aren't intriguing to me at all. "There was a young maiden, actually two of them, that started boarding in our house. Katherine and Sofia Pierce. The most beautiful girls residing in Mystic Falls. Well, they found an interest in the Salvatore brothers. At first, Katherine was with both my brother and me but then you swooped in. You stole Stefan's heart and Katherine stole mine. It worked out for us. One day while we were playing football, Stefan got down on one knee right in front of you and popped the question. Said he would never love someone as he loves you. He knew that you were a vampire but he didn't care. He just wanted to be with you." He pauses for a second, "I had never been more proud to call him my brother, and although he's my little brother, I looked up to him." Damon takes another swig. I look up at him. Is this story even real?

How did all this happen and I don't even remember? "Tell me more," I whisper to him. "The rage on Katherine's face wasn't short-lived. She tried to kill you. She couldn't stand the fact that you were going to be with Stefan forever. And she just kept on using me. Convincing me that she loved me, compelling me to believe it. And eventually, she made me think that I hated you, my own best friend, and my brother." Damon looks down at the ground and doesn't say anything for a second. I can tell that he's serious about this so I don't ruin the moment.

"We can talk about it later." I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "It kinda makes me wonder if I'm just delusional. If I made the whole thing up." He laughs humorlessly and drinks the rest of the whiskey. I decide that now would be a good time to tell him. "I don't think so." I shake my head as I remember my dream from when I fell asleep in the cemetery.

He looks up at me but doesn't say anything yet. "I had a dream. You were in it. So was Stefan. I was laying in his lap and he kept telling me about how we're going to get married tomorrow. You were laying next to us. There was so much blood but I couldn't move. And then Stefan got shot." I explain to him and he smiles. Which is kinda creepy.

"That was the day that Stefan and I turned. You and Katherine got taken to be burned in the church. You're remembering, that's good." He stands up excitedly. "What happened for you to remember?" He presses. "I don't know. I fell asleep in the cemetery." I try to find reasons why I had that dream but nothing really explains. "I was there. Maybe I unlock your memories." Damon grabs my hands and I start getting a little freaked out. I try to pull my hands away but he has a firm grip on them. "Just trust me. Close your eyes." It takes courage, but I relax.

I reluctantly close my eyes and then scenes play in my head like I'm dreaming. Damon explains to me that he's sharing one of his memories.

We're sitting at a table. Damon, Stefan, Katherine, Guiseppe, and I. "You girls eat up. There's plenty of food." Guiseppe says and Katherine and I look at each other. I kick her under the table so she'll say something. "Thank you, sir. My sister and I are very grateful for your kindness." She says politely and sneaks a glance at Stefan. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at her. Katherine was always quite the player. "This food is delicious, Mr. Salvatore," I tell him so I won't have to think about my sister. "Take as much as you want." He smiles at me and I give him a small nod. I look around the table and find Damon staring at me. He gives me a secret wink and I smile down at my food.

And then it stops and I'm sucked back into reality. "That happened?" My voice comes out in barely a whisper. "That was the first time we met." He nodded his head and unlike before, he had a glint in his eye. What it is, I'm not entirely sure.

"Show me everything," I tell him. And he does just that. At first, it's a little overwhelming but it still seems like a dream. Like there was no way in hell that that ever happened to me. Now, my emotions are connecting themselves to the memories and it all comes back. Everything I had to do with Damon and Stefan comes flooding back at once.

"Oh my god." Tears start falling down my cheeks. My arms fling around him and I sob. "Why did I forget?" I pull away from him. "I don't know. Maybe you got a witch to do a spell or something." He suggests but I shake my head. Can't be possible. "Wait does this mean that I can do vampire things now?" I stand up and vamp speed around, although I could do that before it felt different. And then I really start thinking. Stefan and I were in love and now he doesn't even know me.

I fall back down to the ground and shake my head. "How am I supposed to process this? It's like I just had another person's life added to mine." I ask Damon, looking for consolidation from him. He neals down next to me and rubs my back, not saying a word.

"Here, let's get you home." He helps me up but I shake my head back and forth. "I don't want to go home. That's not even my home. That's not my family." My cries get louder as I explain how I'm all alone. Again.

"Where's Katherine?" My head snaps up. "If I tell you this, you have to promise you won't tell my brother." His face gets serious and I nod my head. "I mean it." "And so do I. C'mon, you're my best friend after all." I nudge him playfully, trying to lighten the seriousness level.

"She's in a tomb. I'm working on it." He assures me. He pulls me to my feet and buries me in his leather jacket. "Let's go home."

The rest of my life comes back to me that night.

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