Children of the Damned

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"Seriously, Sofia. How immature are you?" Stefan rolls his eyes. My smile disappears. "Fine. Guess you'll never know." I shrug and walk out of the room. "Sofia, I'm not going to do that." He follows me. I smirk and turn around. "And that's fine but I'm not going to tell you what you want to know. What I will tell you is that I know you aren't serious about helping Damon. You lied to him and he won't be very happy to know that. Bye, darling." I give him a sarcastic wave.

"I'm not playing this game with you. You want to tell me." Stefan says confidently. I raise an eyebrow. "I can't tell if you're being serious or not. For someone who knew me so well, it seems like you don't know me at all."

I turn to leave but he speeds in front of me. "You're telling me that you want Katherine out of that tomb just so Damon can run away with her and forget all about you?"

I stifle a laugh. Oh, if only you knew. "I'm not worried about that happening Stefan. You know some of us are actually loyal, right. I wouldn't betray Damon and he wouldn't betray me."

"And that's why he was going to leave." Stefan smiles grimly. I'll give it to him, he does know how to get under my skin. Good thing is that I know how to get under his. I shove him into the wall playfully. "Do you remember the first time we kissed, Stefan? You told me something that I hold dear to my heart. You said 'I love being in love with you, Sofia'. That was the first time I realized that I was capable of love, Stefan. You were the first person I loved." I tell him with a smile just as grim as his own. 

His eyes study my face and then fall to my lips. He leans in close, his face centimeters from mine. And then he stops. And stabs me in the stomach with a pencil. "What the hell?" I grunt and rip out the wood that's piercing my spleen. "You really need to stop living in the past. It's making you more and more pathetic every day." He laughs tauntingly at me. I lean close to him, not teasingly either. Intimidatingly. "And you need to remember who you're fucking with." I take the pencil and return it to him through his chest.

The difference between Stefan and I is that I drink actual blood, not a vegan substitute.

Damon walks into my room and sees Stefan with the writing utensil sticking out of his chest. "Can you two stop fighting for five seconds? Can we just put our differences behind us and work toward the common goal?"

"We have a common goal?" I raise an eyebrow and look at Stefan pointingly. "Haven't you heard that your ex-lover and his new lover are going to help us get Katherine out of the tomb?" Damon asks me and Stefan leaves, rolling his eyes. How is Damon so damn oblivious to everything? "Cut out the nicknames, angel face." I pat his cheek. He grabs my arm and pulls me into my bathroom. I guess that this is our official secret hideout. "How would you feel about a little dinner at your brother Jeremy's house? I'm hosting, of course. He has a journal that can lead to Emily's grimoire. I need it." 

I let out a long breath. You mean the grimoire that Jeremy gave to Alaric Saltzman? "Sure. I'll be there." I muster up a fake smile for him that shows excitement instead of disappointment.


I sat on the counter as Damon sliced tomato and chatted up a storm with Jenna who gave me a lecture for 'moving out without her permission'. I guess Elena didn't do too bad coming up with a lie. "My father never approved of anyone I dated, which only made me want them more, of course. What about you?" 

"There were a few guys. Logan isn't the only loser I've dated." Jenna replies taking a sip of wine. Damon and I glance at each other. "They ever find him? Or is he still missing?" I ask her, hoping she isn't taking the whole Logan thing to heart. "He's not missing. He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled, that one. Marches to his own drum. He's a Fell. They're all snooty." Jenna drains the remainder of her wine and I pour her another glass. "Are you trying to get me drunk?" She jokes with me. "Not at all." I wink at her mischievously and when I return to my spot on the counter, I see Elena staring at Damon and I with astonishment. 

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