Let the Right One In

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"Wow, Sof. Are you seeking me out now?" Katherine smirks as she walks out from behind a tree. "Do you seriously not have anything better to do but stalk me?" I ask her sarcastically and cross my arms. Katherine ignores my question, giving me an obvious answer. "What do you want?" 

"Did you know that Damon killed Elena's mother?" I question and then think of why in the hell Katherine would know anything about that. "Of course I knew. Who do you think sent Isobel to Damon?" She smirks and I roll my eyes. "You are absolutely pathetic, Kat. I wish I was related to Elena rather than you."

"That just proves how dumb you really are. When Damon unlocked your memories didn't you remember that Elena is our doppelganger? I'm talking carbon copy. Do you know what that means?" Katherine evades telling me what's going on. She either has something planned for Elena or for me and that's never good. "No, I don't know what that means. Spill." I demand. I'm done with the games. I want Katherine to get what she wants and then get the hell out of Mystic Falls. I'd rather her not get shit, but I doubt that's an option.

"Do you remember when we got kicked out of Bulgaria?" She starts talking and I raise an eyebrow. I am surprised. "You mean when you got kicked out of Bulgaria and I followed like an idiot?" I correct her. "Yeah, whatever. And then we went to England?" She continues while dismissing my correction. I'm not taking fault for her stupidity. "Yeah. You turned me into a vampire. You think I would forget that?" I ask insipidly. 

"Perfect. Except, you always asked what we were running from. Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to let that go. Anyway, I have a way for us to stop." She looks so content with herself and it's scary. "I stopped asking because I couldn't care less. I'm not running, you are. And, when you get this excited somebody or bodies get hurt. I'm not letting that happen so you can take your hellish plan somewhere else." I say slowly so she understands the full picture. Katherine flexes her jaw in annoyance and I smile. "Thank you. Goodnight."

I make my way back to the house slowly. I don't know if I can handle anymore Damon mood swings right now but its not like I can avoid him. We kinda live together. When I do make it back, Elena is here and they are discussing something with serious looks on their face. "Hi. What did I miss?"

"All the tomb vampires are out because this idiot fed them all when he found out Katherine wasn't in the tomb, which by the way, you totally should have told us that you've been hanging out with her, and Damon made a deal with Pearl. Oh, and they were attacked." Elena catches me up with what feels like one breath. The girl is passionate. "And Elena is being snarky." Damon adds his unnecessary input. He's real mature.

"And you guys are being really productive." I tell them, sarcasm dripping from my words. "Sof is right. We need a plan." Stefan agrees and I can see Elena raise her eyebrow at him calling me Sof. You have nothing to worry about sis. There is a silence for a second and then Damon speaks up. "I say we bust down the door and kill Frederick."

"And then what? Say oops and walk out like it was an accident?" Elena questions him disapprovingly. "How long are you going to blame me for turning your mother?" Damon responds. My guess would be for a long time because it's Elena we're talking about. "I'm not blaming you, Damon. I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities." She shrugs her shoulders simply. "Still not productive. We have a mission." I remind the terrible threesome. With all the tomb vampires out, it's going to be dangerous for all the founding families. To my luck, I have an advantage. Frederick is sired to me. He was obsessed with me in 1864 before the town had even uttered the word 'vampire' and so I turned him. Now he'd sired. Simple.

"I may be able to help." I reveal to them and then explain my situation with Frederick. "What does sired even mean?" Elena asks all of us but I'm really the only one who knows. Or so I thought. "Sired is when someone has romantic feelings for someone and then that someone turns them into a vampire." Damon explains to her and I'm taken aback. Has Damon sired someone?

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