History Repeating

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I haven't talked to Elena since last night. I've avoided her and I'm sure she's done the same to me. 

"Hey." Damon walks in and sits on my bed. "Hi." I turn over in my bed so I'm not facing him. He lets out a breath. He scoots over to spoon and wraps his arm around me. "She'll get over it."

"You don't know that." I rest my hand on his arm. "I do. She might not tell you until she's all old and wrinkly though." He jokes and I laugh gratefully. I turn to face him. "I compelled her, you know. I told her that she understands the death that comes along with being a vampire. I guess I forgot to clarify that it wasn't only for Stefan." I look down, disappointed at myself. I should've never done that. "She'll come around. She'll realize that it was all for the greater good." He turns my face so that I'll look at him. I don't know what to say so I just nod my head. He pulls me closer to him and I rest my head on his chest.

Damon can be so sweet sometimes. And quite the opposite.


I woke up alone. I guess Damon left me when I fell back asleep. I stand up and stretch. My bones hurt from being in bed for a whole day. "You're up." Someone says from my doorway and I turn to see Stefan. "Stefan, I-"

He holds up his hand to stop me. "Don't want to hear it. Don't care to. I'm here on Elena's behalf. She wanted me to check on you. You're alive and you look well. Good enough." He speaks in short sentences. He starts to walk away so I vamp speed in front of him. "I'm sorry," I tell him, pleadingly. He looks me up and down. "You're sorry? You're sorry?" He shakes his head with a wicked smile. "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I, for one second, even considered understanding you. Guess it was the right choice not to."

He left me alone in my room after that. I don't blame him but like I told Lexi, an eye for an eye. He killed my best friend so I killed his.

I leave all the Stefan drama behind me as I make my way to the grill. I feel bad but in all honesty, he's just going to have to get over it. I will admit that I'm surprised Elena asked him to check up on me. I would say that's progress. 

I flop on the stool and order a bourbon like normal. "You drink a lot, you know that?" Matt Donovan walks up behind me and sits on a stool. "Yeah," I answer simply. I'm not exactly in the mood for chit chat. "I'm sorry for yelling at you that day with Vicki, I was just so worried about her. She looked really messed up." Matt apologizes to me. I take another sip of bourbon and turn to him. "You were right, Matty. I was supposed to look after her and I failed. Now she's gone." My lip trembles. It's hard talking about Vicki and not thinking about how she's never coming back. And how Matt and Jeremy will never know the truth.

I wipe a tear away quickly but Matt still sees it. "You're the closest thing I have to her." 

I pull him into a hug and he returns it almost immediately. I bury my head in his neck, which is a mistake because I can smell the blood rushing through his body. I haven't drunk any blood, not even animal, in almost a week. A normal vampire would barely be able to move but for one that's been alive for over 500 years, it's a little harder to take us down. 

The veins appear from under my eyes nonetheless and my fangs extend from my gums. "I'm sorry, Matty but I'm really hungry. Don't make a sound" I tilt his head to the side and sink my fangs into his carotid artery. I'm not worried about the rest of the people in the grill who might see. I'm not worried about making a mess. I'm not even worried about killing him. I'm just hungry.

I don't hear the door open or Damon come in but sure enough, he pulls me off of a half-alive Matt. "I think someone would notice if the star quarterback went missing."

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "I don't think I asked." I narrow my eyes at him. Damon bites into his wrist and forces it into Matt's mouth. "Forget about this." He compels him and Matt leaves the bar. "What's wrong with you?" He sits where Matt was and orders a drink. "Your brother pissed me off. Now I want to kill people." I shrug my shoulders in an attempt to get him to let it go. Of course, he wouldn't. "Are you sure that's it? Obviously, if you want to kill Matt Donovan, something serious is wrong."

"Leave it, Damon," I warn him, and then I leave. I want to be alone but I guess Damon didn't get the hint because Damon follows me out. "Emily Bennett has been torturing Bonnie." He says to me, knowing that it would get my attention. "Why? Obviously, my handmaiden has something to say or else she wouldn't be communicating. Let me guess, it has something to do with my sister's crystal." I turn to face him and cross my arms. Poor Damon. So hooked up on a girl who couldn't care less about him.

"We don't have to worry about that. I promised Emily that I would protect her lineage if she protected Katherine and I did. A deal is a deal."

I roll my eyes at him. "And now that you want to get Katherine out of the tomb, she's going back on her end of the bargain."

"Don't act like I'm the only one who wants this. You know that you want Katherine back just as much as I do."

Yes, please. Give me back the sister that got my entire family killed. The sister who abandoned me. The sister who manipulated me to the ends of this earth and never thought twice about it. The sister who did this to me in the first place.

"Damon, you're a fucking idiot."

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