CHAPTER 2: I'm Sorry, What?!?!

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'Ugh!! Why did I ever agree to doing this?!?'

Those were the thoughts I was thinking throughout the entire time I was sitting here  in my Uncle's office while I waited for him to return from a meeting.

When I was a little boy, I used to hear about the day coming when my uncle would give me his company. Throughout the past nearly thirty years, he has owned and operated the top hotels throughout the U.S. and other countries. Mainly it caters to the rich people, but overall, he has become a great business man that men envy and women swoon towards.

My growing up of course would be what you'd consider as 'wealthy and privileged' and as good as it all sounds and looks, it isn't always as it's cracked up to be.

In fact, you learn at an early age how to dress, act, look and practically how to feel so that you can grow up already in the habit of handling the press and publicity. As well as business and especially how to uphold the image of your family's name and legacy.

My father drank himself to death when I was nine years old and my mother left me when I was four years old, marrying another man and nearly taking my father for half of what he is worth.

Once my father died, I was legally left in the care of my Uncle where I grew up still in the eye of the public and promised to uphold my family's name.

I would always observe and learn everything and anything I could from my Une about business, even after graduating from business school.

Throughout the last few years, I also have noticed and took notes of the fact that times have changed and continue evolving and changing to where I have seen that my Uncle lacks in.

He refuses to change anything unless they are his ideas and he refuses also to admit when he is wrong and that he feels like the world needs to change according to him.

In which is why his business is now starting to fail a bit and throughout this little trial he is wanting to put me through before I take over the business, I am going to try and find ways to incorporate my ideas without him knowing or by having it sound as if it were his idea(s).

He is a stubborn middle-aged man who I do respect very much and has made quite a living for himself from his hard work, but I believe he needs to get with the trends and with what all sells.

I poured myself a glass of whiskey at his little bar in his office before sitting back down, sipping on it as I continued to wait for several more minutes before he eventually came walking in.

"Ugh! I can't stand those guys!" He complains right off the bat as he closes the door behind him and walks towards his desk while trying to loosen up his tie to get comfortable before sitting down.

"Another competition trying to buy you out?!" I asked with a sarcastic smirk.

"Yes. I don't even know why I accept the meetings. Well, I don't ever entertain the idea in selling my business because I am giving it to you soon but, something I can't fathom or even come close to understanding, is the fact they know who I am and that one of my pet peeves is wasting my time. So they set up a false meeting about wanting to pitch a few new ideas when in reality, no. That isn't their intention." He lets out a sigh of frustration while holding the bridge of his nose.

"Want a drink?" I offered.

"No thanks. I've got one more meeting in an hour so, I'll wait." He states.

I down the last of my drink and set the crystal made glass down onto his table.

"So, you wanted to speak to me about something." I cut right to the point.

"Yes. I have been thinking about this whole idea in you getting a feel about the hotel and the business aspects to it. So, I think it would be best if you were to stay in the hotel itself, in the Presidential Suite. It's a two story room, takes up the entire top floor and room service at your fingertips." He smiles before opening up his laptop.

"You're joking, right? Why would I need to stay inside the hotel? I've been to many and especially yours, I know what to expect." I began to explain.

"True but, you need to be there at the drop of a hat usually and your place is too far from there. Therefore, I need you to stay there." He repeats.

"With all do respect, Uncle Larry, I don't believe that is going to help. Besides, don't you have someone staying in that suite?" I ask.

"No. I have made sure it was available for you to take for the next few months, until I make my decision. Speaking of which, you have no say in this matter. You must stay there or the entire deal is off and you yourself will be cut off completely with no money and no place to stay." He threatens.

"Are you seriously threatening me?" I asked taken back a little in surprise.

"If you wish to take it that way then yes. This is the only way also where you will get to know and understand all of the ends and outs more than anybody else, which is will help continue making my businesses a success for years and years to come." He says as he avoids eye contact and reads his EMAIL.

"This is bullshit!" He tells me.

"Is it?!? Because I believe that just because you have been a guest and seen a thing or two while accompanying me at many of my check-ins throughout the years at my hotels, doesn't mean you know everything there is to know. Not to mention that even when I hand you the business, you will never stop learning."

"But you don't even go by those words." I point out. "I know what it takes to make sure your hotels stay the best above all others. I'm not the one who needs to learn about what people want and don't in a hotel.  I already know." I reassure him.

"We'll see. Now I need to get ready for my next meeting. I suggest you go and pack your bags before starting to head over to the hotel tomorrow." He says with finality.

Is he being for real right now?! Since when does he threaten me, first of all, acting as though there is a chance I won't get the company when it was set in stone that I will?!

Then to threaten to cut me off?!? What the hell has gotten into him?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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