CHAPTER 27: For Now And Forever

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Just as I had feared about in the back of my mind after Lelan had that argument with his uncle, his uncle had his attorney send Lelan papers a week later stating he is being sued by his uncle for everything Lelan already owns and could have owned.

Quickly though, my fears went away after Lelan sat me down and explained a few things to me and what he saw were 'flaws' in the papers he was sent.

One of those things was that he had learned there were estates and other properties worth a lot of money that apparently his father did leave in his will in Lelan's name but that also, his uncle broke the law of his dad's will when he didn't wait the one year probationary period he had to before he could start spending the money that was left for Lelan.

There are many other discrepancies his uncle did that has made it nearly impossible for him to win once we get to court.

Throughout the next several months, things seemed to be hectic and it was really hard to  work at times with what all legal things Lelan was going through.

The things I ever heard about his uncle, I feel were part true with him being an asshole and someone you didn't want to mess with. However, on the other hand, just by watching Lelan work and observing how him and his Attorney interact with each other, I have to say that I'm not just impressed but feel that his uncle has no idea what will happen to him.

I haven't been able to sit in on any of the sessions and I understood why. Although Lelan didn't ever leave anything out after the meetings. After hearing what happened, I don't know why his uncle continued to have himself become more and more embarrassed in front of the few strangers that were inside the room.

There was a thought in the back of my mind at one point that made me question his sanity but then the other part of me remembered how his uncle brought all of this onto himself.

This wasn't going to end well and quite frankly, despite it being sad because they are family, I would be doing the same thing as Lelan is.

Finally, after all the evidence and all the hours put into this case, today was the final day and just as expected, Lelan won the case. Not only that but he also had gotten a call not too long after everything was done and finalized, from the one man who told his uncle when he was away around the beginning of our relationship, and he made a deal with Lelan.

Lelan had been offered something he always wanted. Instead of taking over the business, him and the guy made a deal where Lelan would sell the hotel business to the guy for a huge lump sum, then along with that, he next decided to sell not all of the estates and properties that were left for him but the ones that didn't seem as though he would use them.

In the end, his uncle was charged with many offenses and will be put away for a long time with no chance of parole. I was a little surprised to hear about how long his uncle was given but he is the one who did wrong.

Tonight, Lelan wanted to take me to a very fancy and nice dinner. So I went out to get myself a nice little cocktail dress and even pampered myself a little bit before we went out.

Maybe it was because I was with Lelan but I shockingly didn't feel uncomfortable like I thought I would have since we have never been to THIS level of fancy.

It was a nice place. It had the intimate lighting and nice gentle music playing in the background. The people talking were very low that you could hear only between the clinks and clanks of the eating utensils I used against the dishes.

There were so many forks and a couple of wine glasses. I felt very high-end and very special. As much as I appreciate all of this too, I just don't know if I can ever get used to this kind of thing being a regular thing for me.

Overall though, we both had an amazing night and before the night was over, just laying in each other's arms and looking into one another's eyes, we both knew that this was going to be it. This was going to be the beginning of our life together.

Never will it matter in what would come our way in the future because the both of us seem to have been through more than enough in our life so far that together, we would be unstoppable.

I'm glad I moved here. I made a lot of great lifetime friends, made ammends with my father and met a man who loves me and who I love in return, just the same.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey guys, I know I had promised to post this and another chapter yesterday on Tuesday (since it is now past midnight, making it Wednesday on my side, lol) stupid slow wifi speed. I will be posting the next chapter shortly and hope you enjoy them both! :):)

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