CHAPTER 4: I Guess Not

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There she was. Standing in the very back, with a look of irritation on her face and I knew it was towards me because of the elevator incident that happened moments ago.

This was going to be interesting by far with her working here. I did try and hold the door open but the doors were already too close to closing that the button I had pressed wasn't working on time. Although what I said and smirking at her could have been taken the wrong way. I had a bad morning and night before and I guess took it out on her by doing that. But it's fine, I'm sure she'll get over it.

After everybody was dismissed to start their jobs, I had a few girls come up to me who were of course trying to hit on me and as pretty as they were, I was interested more in finding out that one girl's name and apologizing to her for the misunderstanding. Without having a big deal made out of it. I guess I can just request the list of names of all employees who work here later on and find out myself.

"Mr. Warrington. I wanted to tell you how much of an honor it is to have you here." Mr. Slautton states.

I don't respect the ones who try and kiss people's asses as if it's going to get them anywhere. Maybe that technique works on others but not me. However, I promised I would try to be on my best behavior to my Uncle so I guess I should just let it go for now and just nod.

"Thanks. Well, I guess I should get started by first settling in my room. Also, I want to bring to your attention that I have guests coming over tonight for a little party I am having. I will give you instructions within the next hour." I tell him before starting to walk off.

"But...." He started to try and object it sounded like.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"It's just that, we have - I mean, your Uncle, has rules about parties here." He begins to tell me.

"And?" I asked.

"And....just send me your list." He forces a smile on his face while realizing he works for me for the next several months.

"I will." I replied then turned back and started making my way up towards the room.

I did promise to be on my best behavior and all but, it has been a couple of weeks since I last had a party and feel that this is a big celebration.

After settling into my room and admiring the space, I contacted my best friend, Trevon and a few other of my close friends to come over tonight.

This might not be so bad after all. In fact, I could get used to this. However, I also know that I have to work and even told Mr. Slautton downstairs about how I was going to observe people today. That however changed when I decided to wait and do that starting tomorrow instead. For right now, I'll just relax and get ready for a fun night.

The Next Morning

Last night was a lot of fun - as expected. We all had a great time and we're up most of the night.

Right as soon as I woke up, I rubbed my eyes to help make myself more awake then as soon as I sat up in bed, I looked over and saw a naked woman under the covers in my bed and thought I had told her to go home after we hooked up but, I guess not.

I guess I can let her sleep while I head into the shower then wake her up after I get out. Once I'm finished and put my wrist watch on being all dressed and ready for the day, when I come walking out of the bathroom, I noticed she was gone. In which I appreciated because it was one last thing I needed to do.

The moment I opened up the door, I saw a maid with her back turned against me and was already cleaning everything up.

Before I could say anything, I saw her turn around and noticed it was the girl from yesterday. She looked at me surprised.

"I'm sorry. I tried to knock but, you didn't answer. I can come back later." She begins but I stop her.

"It's no problem. Just pretend I'm not even here. I'm going to order up some breakfast, want something?" I ask, not thinking about how awkward that might have sounded probably to her.

"No thanks. I had breakfast already. I'll just stay out of your way." She says rather nervously.

I wasn't sure in what else to say so instead I just walked towards the phone and ordered up some room service.

Throughout the next hour or so, I ate some breakfast, went through a couple of EMAILs while every now and then looking at her without her catching me.

I couldn't help it. She is so beautiful. Those curves. That outfit on her. That ass....Shit! I can't think like that. She is an employee and there are just so many other factors as to why I shouldn't be thinking things like that but, I really need to stop myself.

She gathered her things up and left while I sat there and noticed she didn't mention anything about the elevator incident from yesterday. I guess she's over it already.

Once I was ready to start the day, I began to head out. Then as soon as I noticed she had just got into the elevator, I called out for her to please hold the elevator and all she did was smirk and tell me exactly what I told her.

Okay, so I guess she is NOT over what happened yesterday.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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