CHAPTER 13: I Won't Assume Anything

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Not exactly sure in why I agreed and volunteered to ask my roommates/friends in coming to dinner with Lelan and Trevon but honestly, I felt better knowing his best friend knew and I know it will be no big deal with my friends also. At least, I hope not.

After finishing my shift  we all three headed to the apartment, once we stepped inside, I heard Lance suggest a place for dinner to go try tonight and that was the perfect time I had felt, for me to ask if they wanted to go to dinner and to finally come right out and tell them about Lelan and I. Not to mention I needed to bring up Trevon liking Mercedes.

"Actually, that reminds me, I was wondering if you guys wanted to join me and my new boyfriend for dinner tonight? Him and his friend asked if we would like to go out and I told them I'd ask." I tell them.

"You owe me fifty bucks!" Mercedes tells Lance while holding her hand out to him.

"What? You are a day off." He complains to her.

"Pff. Still was closer than your guess." She tells him.

He rolls his eyes then walks up to her and pulls out some cash then places it into her hand.

"What did I miss?" I asked.

"Oh we just bet how long it would take you to finally tell us about you having a boyfriend." Mercedes says.

"What? How did you guys even know?" I asked curiously.

"Oh please, honey. You aren't good necessarily at keeping things hidden." Lance comments.

"Why didn't you guys say anything to me?" I asked.

"Because this was more fun." He replied.

"Well, thanks for not telling on me and Lelan to others. We thought we were doing good at keeping it a secret, but this helps make me feel relieved in a way, knowing you know about us." I mention.

"Wait! Hold up! Did you just say, Lelan? As in, the CEO's nephew?" Mercedes asks.

"Yeah. You guys just said you knew." I point out.

"We didn't know WHO you were dating." Lance states with a smile.

"You ho." Mercedes teases me. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Because we weren't sure if we should tell anybody yet, since it has only been a couple weeks but earlier today, we got caught and had to tell his friend. So I was going to tell you guys tonight actually while we were out to dinner." I smiled.

"I knew something had to have been going on between you two. Ever since that night I told you I was going to stay later to help clean. Yeah, I could tell by his body language and yours as well that you both needed a little bit of a push, mainly you." He paused for a moment before making a comment. "Aww, you're welcome." Lance says.

"Huh?" I asked.

"If it wasn't for me, you two might have never gone out." He mentions. "So, now that all of that is taken care of, when is dinner?" He asks.

I let them know the time and we decide to grab a taxi to take us to the hotel.

We all hurry to take turns taking a shower and getting ready.

While Mercedes and I get ready together, I remind myself to bring up Trevon.

"Is that that hot-as-fuck-looking-tall-dark-friend of his that is practically staying in the suite with him?" She asks me after I tell her.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Damn, hell yes I'm interested. He kind of reminds me of a Taye Diggs. Oh my god, yes please." She replies and then begins to speak in Spanish.

"I take it, you are more than happy to know he wants to get with you." I laughed.

"Hells yeah! Ooo, I better make sure I look hella good tonight." She says as she finishes putting on some earrings and does the last curl in her hair.

I felt as if I was in high school in a way while we are getting ready. Just as I am sure would be how it'd feel if I had friends in school and we got ready together for dates. I swear, her and Lance are the friends I have always wanted and never thought I would ever have. I feel so lucky.

When we all finished, we headed downstairs, grabbed a cab to take us to the hotel where both Trevon and Lelan were already waiting in the front of the hotel dressed real nice and seemed to also be waiting for us beside a limousine.

Lelan looked real handsome with his hair slicked back and started feeling my stomach full up with butterflies.

He greeted me like always, with a kiss and a smile as I returned the favor before we all got into the limousine and began taking off.

While on our way towards the restaurant, we seemed to have gotten to know each other more and in my head, I had thought that we would be going to a place somewhere in the city but again, we seemed to have been going to a nice place that is not inside the city (like always).

Now, at first I believed he was taking me to certain places not in the city because he has a 'simple' side to him but then I started thinking more about who he is and his status and throughout dinner, began thinking that maybe he just doesn't want to be seen with me? It could also just be that I am overthinking it and in fact, there's only one way to find out, so I am going to ask him later on tonight before I added anything.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I'm sorry for any confusion on Lelan's and Nina's relationship as far as them being photographed together and all. I will make sure to word it differently in the full book version and it will be more clear. But keep in mind, nobody has been able to spot them together and take pictures because of them either staying inside his suite or at her place when Lance and them are out or they have dinners at places not in the city and where more than likely, he wouldn't be recognized so much. Sure he has friends that work in most of these places or they go some place private to spend time together and even the places. Pretty much, they have been lucky and outside the hotel, there weren't any paparazzi or anything. They don't hound him day and night. Plus, he'll explain in this next chapter a few things. ;) Lol. :):)

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