CHAPTER 24: Hear Me Out

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My uncle had just arrived a couple nights ago and I have been wanting to discuss with him about several things and one of them about me and Nina. However, at the same time, I am not sure what is going on with her because I wanted to introduce her to my uncle since he was visiting me in the suite the day after he arrived into town, but she has been ignoring me.

I don't know what I did to upset her but am real curious and feel I deserve to know what it is I did l, so that I can make it right.

Now, since she has been avoiding me for these past few days, I decided to surprise her by going to her apartment with some soup after noticing she called out sick for the rest of the week and after convincing Mercedes to let me have her key to get in.

It took a while for me to convince her because apparently whatever I said or did to make Nina upset with me, she discussed it with Mercedes and Lance. So now I definitely have to make sure she is okay.

The moment I quietly opened the door, I could hear her coughing in her bedroom - she sounded horrible.

I quickly set things down and the bag of some Chinese soup then took in a deep breath and let it out as I braved myself enough to continue walking towards her bedroom.

I slowly opened up her bedroom door and noticed that she was sitting up in bed, now blowing her nose and stops the moment she see's me.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" She asks upset.

"I heard you weren't feeling well and brought you some soup." I begin telling her.

She quickly starts to try and comb back her hair with her hands and puts it up in a bun then tries to put her tissue into a grocery bag beside her, to look presentable.

"Well, I'm fine. And whoever let you in here, tell them I'm going to hurt them." She states before she quickly grabs another clean tissue and sneezes.

"Look, I'm not here to start anything and I don't know why you are upset with me. I would like to find out, but for now, how about I bring you some soup and take care of you?" I suggest.

She remains quiet for a moment and then finally nods her head in agreement.

So I get up to head into the kitchen to grab a bowl, pour some soup in a bowl, then walk back and sit beside her on the bed and hand it to her.

"Thank you." She says before taking a spoonful. "Mm. This is good, thank you."

"You're welcome." I smile at her.

I sit there a bit longer and for the next several hours, I help around and I really am enjoying taking care of her.

          <<<<<Few Days Later>>>>>

I've been spending the last few days helping take care of Nina and we have even been talking a little bit, except for of course, the issue between us that I haven't yet heard about. I have been here also to where I haven't seen my uncle since the day after he came here.

Today I wanted to have some lunch with Nina since she was feeling better to return and wanted to check in to see how she was feeling, then hopefully during lunch we could talk about what happened.

I go to look for her and when I can't find her, I go to ask the Manager, Mr. Slautton.

"Can I help you Mr. Warrington?" He greets me while continuing to check things off a clipboard he's holding.

"Yeah, where's Nina?" I asked.

He suddenly stops and looks up at me bewildered.

"I'm sorry, I thought you would have heard. She was let go." He says.

I can't believe he just told me what he just said and yet I suddenly start feeling anger seep through my veins.

"Why the hell was she fired?!" I asked.

"Hey, I didn't want to, you need to talk to your uncle." He told me as he held his hands up in surrender.

Why would my uncle....He better not have done what I thought he did. Damnit! I will deal with him in a minute but for right now, I needed to get to Nina and reassure her that she didn't lose her job.

Mr. Slautton tells me that he just told her  ten minutes ago so that would mean that she would be leaving the locker room to gather her stuff. So I hurry and try to run out back to catch her real fast and get to the bottom of every thing.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I hope Nina hears him out. :/

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