CHAPTER 21: This Should Be Fun.....

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Today has been an interesting and surprising day. I feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing that my father and I were able to talk things out and move on past everything. Not to mention, when I heard him choke up a bit when explaining in how much he regretted leaving things the way we did, was a good reminder of how much he cared. 

Then I nearly died when my mom told my dad that Lelan and I were already sleeping together anyway, so it was alright to share a bedroom. I swear, I do love her but sometimes, or should I say, MOST of the time, she has no filter. 

Thankfully Lelan seemed to find it humorous and I enjoyed my father asking for Lelan to go outside while grilling and get to know each other more. I just hope my dad doesn't scare him off too much. 

While getting ready for bed and laying down in Lelan's arms, I couldn't help but tell him 'thank you.'

"For what?" He asks me. 

"For coming here with me and meeting them. I can tell they really like you and you have been very understanding with their humor." I explain. 

"You're welcome. Your parents aren't so bad. In fact, I do admire them for being themselves and not trying to act like something they aren't on account of me being here and meeting them for the first time." He says. 

"True." I smiled in satisfaction from his response. 

"So, I didn't tell you but, after you mentioned you sent them your gift already and before we left, I had gotten something for your mom, that I am not sure I should have gotten without getting your stamp of approval on first, to make sure she likes it." He mentions. 

I lift my head up off his chest to look at him. 

"You didn't have to get her anything." I smiled with admiration. 

"Well, I thought it would have been rude not to. So I ordered a porcelain figurine of a fairy you had mentioned she used to have before her mother broke it. I had it customed made at a shop in the city and made sure of course, they put a rush on it." He finishes telling me. 

My heart just melted. Did he just tell me he got something for my mother that I KNOW will win her over?!

"Are you trying to out do me in gifts?" I teased. 

"I put it was from the both of us." He chuckles. 

"Thank you for doing that." I tell him. 

"You're welcome." He smiles in reply then holds the side of my face before leaning in closer and kissing me goodnight before I lay my head on his chest again then we fall asleep not too long afterwards. 

            <<<<<The Next Morning>>>>>

This morning both Lelan and I had made sure we were awake before my parents and we had just ten minutes to spare when we finished our birthday breakfast for my mom before they both came walking downstairs towards the dining table.

"Happy birthday!" Both Lelan and I greeted her this morning. 

"Aww, you guys." She smiled. 

We all sat down and began eating breakfast together before she went upstairs to get ready for the day while we followed after her to get ready as well. 

The plan for the day was originally to possibly go into town and see a movie, grab some lunch then come back home where I was going to cook dinner and we have her blow out candles, but she told us she changed plans and was going to tell us when we finished getting ready. 

Her and my dad were talking to each other downstairs and as soon as Lelan and I came down, she threw a bomb onto us - at least that's how I took it. 

"Okay, so I was thinking, because it's my birthday, I decided that maybe we could do something we haven't done in a while." She began. 

"And what is that?" I hesitatingly asked. 

"Well, now don't get upset, but since it's been a while since we last saw some family, I thought it might be a good idea if they came to visit for tonight and we all be together. You know, just in case there's not another chance to have it happen." She says. 

"Are you being serious right now?" I asked her unsure. 

"Yes. I mean, this is my birthday and your Aunt Mel suggested it and managed to have others agree. Besides, technically this was planned after you initially told me you wouldn't be able to make it. Now its way, it could be a win win." She smiles. 

I am shocked and very surprised that she would not mention this to me over the phone or, I don't know, YESTERDAY?! Lelan and I were already preparing ourselves for having to go into town let alone having family that I haven't seen in years come and meet him. 

Damnit Aunt Mel. I love her and all but seriously?! I look at Lelan to see how he feels about it and I can tell that he is holding back his little bit of worry and fear of the idea. I know too he was wanting to enjoy this weekend with as little contact with the public as much as possible but I guess we can kiss that idea goodbye. It's too late to cancel family from coming now. 

"I'm sorry Lelan. I didn't even think about how you would feel about it." My mom sincerely apologized. 

"It's okay. I mean, I'll be honest, it's a little nerwrecking but, I truly don't mind." He reassures both her and I with a smile. 

When looking at him, I mouth the words, "Thank you." He just winked and leaned in to give me a kiss that it was okay. 

My family can be very loud people and very 'out there' to where most people would either be intimidated or embarrassed at times because the lack of filter they all have. Obviously, I'm a little opposite from that. 

Well, nothing we can do about it now but to sit back and enjoy the ride. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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