West - Chapter 35

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, serious case of writers block.... So any suggestions, message or leave in the comment section :) thannnnk youuuu

Keep reading and be kind to one another

Kate :D

Oh yah and Kristen and Rob are back too! 


"Cut," Bill yells through a megaphone, "That's great guys, sorry it's so late but we have enough for this now, so go and rest," He smiles.

My eyes droop downwards to my watch,


"The things I do for you," I yawn as he pulls me into a hug,

"Much appreciated," He laughs. I dont know how he is so awake at 3:43 in the morning, but I suppose it's a good thing for days like this,

"Can I sleep now?" I wine, leaning into his side, him effectively carrying me back,

"Wait until you get inside,"

I shake my head, my eyes closed already, "Carry me," I order. Not ask,

As soon as I have spoken, my legs get swept out from underneath me as he picks me up bridal style. I wind my arms around his neck and tuck my head into his chest, "Thank you," I mumble, lazily reaching up and kissing his jawline, before falling asleep instantly.


The sun streaming in the window from the west tells me that I've been sleeping for a while.

"Taylor? Tay," I mumble sleepily, shaking his arm, "It's 4 in the afternoon," I chuckle kissing his ear,

"Well I can sleep in later then," He mutters huskily, that sleepy sexy voice,

"Fine, I'm getting up though,"

I push myself up, my hand still on his chest and swing my legs off the bed and walk over to the toaster and bread, "So you don't want me to make you any breakfast?" I ask over my shoulder, getting a moan in reply, "No breakfast then,"

Once I've made my breakfast, and have waited for what seems like eternity for Taylor to wake up, "Taylor please," I whine, rubbing his chest, "I'm bored,"

His eyes squint open and looks at me, slightly annoyed. "Why can't I sleep?" He laughs pulling onto him,

"Because I'm bored,"

"Go back to sleep,"

"I've been up for an hour, I can't,"

"The things I do for you," He mimics me from last night, or earlier this morning. He rubs his eyes and sits up, giving me a playful glare as he does,

"You're not going to be able to sleep tonight," I chuckle to myself, "Your body clock will be all messed up," I laugh, standing up and walking to the toaster to make him breakfast,

"I'll just keep you up then," He whispers huskily, pulling me backwards into a hug,

"I know you will," 

A banging on the door pulls us apart and I walk over to open it, "Hey Zo," Kristen chirps,

"Hi, how are you so awake after a night shoot,"

She shrugs and looks around my shoulder, "Taylor, Bill wants to see you for a second so get your arse out of bed and over to him," She yells, turning and walking back to her trailer.

"Bye!" I call sarcastically causing her to laugh and shake her head, "She's such a kind hearted friend," I chuckle to Taylor,

"You love her though,"

"How can you not?" 

"Well played," He yawns, "Can I go back to sleep now please?" He complains, throwing himself back down, his head hitting the pillow,

"No," I chuckle, sitting him back up, "Let's get up and do something-"

"We don't have to get up to do something," He chuckles huskily wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissing my cheekbone, 

"No, let's get up and out there to socialize," I giggle, squirming out of his hold.

He doesn't move, just sits there and watches me, "Sometime today would be nice," I add, making him move. "And remember Bill needs to see you,"

He moans in frustration and gets out of bed, pulling his pajamas off and jeans and a tee on. "I'll probably be at Kristen's," I shrug, jumping out the door with him trailing behind me,

"I'll just go straight there then," He chuckles, kissing my cheek and walking off.

Baby Blue - A Taylor Lautner love storyWhere stories live. Discover now