Premiere - Chapter 24

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The flashes of camera's blinding my eyes and voices calling out for everyone to look everywhere, was extremely disorientating. I didn't know where to look, what to do, do I smile or not? Do I look where they call or do I not! I have no clue. None at all.

"Just look ahead and you'll be fine, we've got a few interviews to do down there so just a little bit longer here for photos," Taylor murmurs in my ear.

"LOVE BIRDS, LOOK OVER HERE!" One guys yells causing me to blush and turn my head to Taylor's direction.

"don't worry," He mouths shaking his head smiling.

"That doesn't help," I chuckle and he shrugs,

"Let's go down there, they're only fans, not as bad," He says holding my hand and walking in the direction towards the interviewers and fans.

A new wave of screams erupts as we move closer and an interviewer from Access Hollywood calls us over, 

"Hi everyone, we're joined by Taylor Lautner and his leading lady Zoe Echo, how are you both?" She smiles in our direction.

"Great thanks," Taylor answers, squeezing my hand.

"So, Zoe, it's your first premiere, what's the experience like?"

"It's crazy," I say leaning into the mic, "I wasn't expecting this, not at all. I don't know how he stands it," I say, pointing my thumb in his direction.

"Taylor, this is your third Twilight premiere, does it get any easier?"

"The fans don't get any more tame, if that's what you're asking," He chuckles, "But, it's just as shocking and mesmerising that all of these people turn up for our movie," He smiles, taking my breath away.

"I'm sure they don't, what's been the highlight of the day so far Zoe?"

I pause trying to think of something, "I'm going to be really annoying and say the whole thing. I just can't believe it, this kind of thing doesn't happen to farm girls," I chuckle, "So, let this be a lesson to every girl out there, you can get any guy you want, no matter where you are from. Except this guy, you can't have him," I say and Taylor and the interviewer laugh, causing me to chuckle nervously.

"Well, I don't want to keep you from your devoted fans, so thanks for your time,"

"No problem," Taylor smiles, placing his hand on the small of my back towards some fans,

"Taylor and Zoe, you have another interview over here," His manager ushers us over to a blonde lady with a microphone in her hand,

"And now we're joined by Taylor Lautner and Zoe Echo, how are you both? Zoe I'm guessing you're pretty excited," she smiles,

"I'm thrilled to be here," I nod and smile looking up to Taylor and hugging him causing her to sigh. My cheeks are aching from smiling so much. Now I know and understand what Kristen was saying when she says it gets tiring. 

"Anyone would be thrilled to be in your position," She nods, "Taylor, do you ever get tired of the press?"

I laugh because we were just talking about that this morning when we woke up, and he said he just wanted to sleep, that he didn't like the busy schedule of all the press, just the premiere, "Not really, I get physically tired, but tired of them,"

"I'd be pretty tired too," She laughs and I smile automatically, "How are you two going as a couple?"

My cheeks feel like a flame has been ignited under them and I can imagine they've turned a rosy red colour, "We're great and that's all," He laughs shaking his head,

"Nothing else? No moving in?"

I shrug my shoulders and she notices, "You don't know do you Zoe?" She laughs and we all join in,

"No is the answer to both questions," I laugh and she sighs,

"Well, this has been a very short interview, but that's all we've got time for at the moment," She chuckles speaking to the camera, "Taylor and Zoe, I hope you have a great night and enjoy your movie," She directs the last part to Taylor and we smile and move on to the fans.

"Just go and sign some things," He mutters in my ear and I nod.

I make my way over to a group of girls around the age of 15 with Eclipse posters and a photo of Taylor and I. I don't know if they say anything because the screams drown anything immediate out.

I lean over the banister and take a photo with them and smile and wave moving onto the next people and this repeats itself for the next half an hour.


I'm sitting in the audience with 3 empty spots next to me, belonging to Taylor, Kristen and Rob. David is on the stage, about to say a welcome to the fans and people in the theatre for the movie. Apparently Kristen, Rob and Taylor were meeting him on the stage and then taking their seats. I'm not completely alone though as Nikki is sitting on the other side of me.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I'm not going to take all of your night away with a speech, so I'm just going to introduce the main actors, the amazing people who helped me along the way, Kristen Stewart," He starts, and  a deafening cheer erupting out of the crowd, extending his arm to the side of the stage as she appears, strutting across to the centre of the stage, "Robert Pattinson," He announces as a new round of cheers sounds,  "And finally, Taylor Lautner," He smiles and even more screams erupt as my man walks across the stage. "I'm going to hand it over to Rob now, I'm sure you'd all rather listen to him," He says making the audience chuckle as he passes the mic over to Rob.

"I'd just like to thank you all for turning out tonight, we never really know what to expect, it's seriously shocking how many people camp out every time we have a premiere. You don't know how much this means to us and everyone on the movie. It's all of you who keep the movies going so thank you," He smiles, a whole 'nother level of cheers and roars explode through the theatre as they walk down the stairs off the stage and come over and take their seats.

"Your cheer was the loudest," I murmur into his ear and he smirks,

"Your's would've been louder,"

I shake my head as the lights dim in the theatre and the Summit logo appears on the screen with the backround music fading into my ears. Taylor clutches onto my hand and squeezes it nervously.

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