Back Again - Chapter 27

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"Hi! I'm so excited to meet you! I knew you were coming," Lily exclaims hugging me, "Were you here yesterday?"

"Really? Yeah I was, it was just the wrestling though. How did you know I was coming?" I ask, kind of in shock,

"Yeah, Taylor told John that you were coming and then he told us," She giggles,

"Right," I nod my head, trying to keep up with her story,

"Where is he, by the way?" She smiles,

"He's just with John at the moment,"

She nods and looks around behind me trying to find him and John,

"I think they're in his trailer,"

"Thanks, I'll go over in a sec, I just have to get something, I'll see you in a bit,"

"I'll just be over there," I nod and she smiles warmly at me and waves as she prances away. She's nice, I prefer the Twilight set, but that's because my best friend and boy friend are there so it would make sense to like there better.

I recall the steps I took to get here so I don't get lost on the way to his trailer, and surprisingly there, I actually make it there without having doubts I was going the wrong way.

"Hey! John, this is Zoe," Taylor smiles wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me next to him,

"So you're Zoe?" He chuckles shaking my hand, "He seemed pretty adamant for you to come onto the set," He says and I look up to Taylor, "Oh, now he's blushing a little,"

"I'm blushing more than a little," He chuckles and I lean into his side,

"Good to know, thank you so much for allowing me though,"

"Not a problem, we might need you,"

"With what?"

"We'll find something for you to do,"

So it's not going to be sitting around watch Taylor act all day everyday like it was for the amount of time I was on the Eclipse set, "Thanks,"

"Would you be interested in being an extra?"

"I'm up for anything,"

"Awesome," He nods stepping towards the door, "I'll let you know, see you guys soon,"

"That'd be cool, you being in the same movie as me," He smirks, pulling me around so I'm facing him and pressed up against his stomach.

"It would be," I smirk leaning my head back as he kisses me softly and smiles against my lips.

A knock at the door pulls us apart and I get slightly annoyed with whoever had to knock at that particular moment.

"Hi! Lily," He smiles giving her a friendly hug,

"Hey. Hi Zoe," She waves and steps aside from Taylor, "Nearly ready to start filming? I'm so excited!" She squeals and he nods smiling.

"You're excited? I get to ride on the bonnet of a car travelling 40m/hr,"

"You're doing your own stunts?"

"Most of them," He nods proudly and even I smile proudly at him.

"That's cool, I don't really have a lot of stunts. You couldn't say the same though," She giggles,

"No, it wouldn't be an action movie without stunts," He laughs, his arm tightening around my waist and shooting me a reassuring glance.

After about half an hour after small talk and Lily laughing nervously, she leaves and we walk over to John who's talking to the stunt co-coordinator, "Ah, Taylor can you join us over here for a sec?"

He nods and jogs over joining in their conversation. I stay where I was standing about a few feet away from their group, and look around the set. A pressure appears on my arm and I snap my head to see and it's Taylor holding my arm, pulling me over to John, "You are allowed to stand over here with me," He chuckles in my ear and a rosey blush rises to my cheeks,

"Sorry. I didn't want to intrude," I giggle, "And besides, you should be concentrating on this, not me,"

"I am, I'm capable of concentrating on more than one thing,"

"How are you Zoe?" John smiles warmly at me and I nod my head,

"Feeling a bit out of place," I chuckle,

"You've been in movies before right?"

"Yeah, not action movies, or ones of this significance. Just indies,"

He nods, "Indies are good, you've got to start somewhere, and having Taylor as your partner should open up some opportunities for you,"

"Maybe," I nod and they get back to their conversation.

While they're getting down to actually filming, the conversation I just had with John replays in my head and one part in particular, 'Being Taylor's partner should open up some opportunities for you,' Really is bugging me. Not being Taylor's partner, that part I love and wouldn't give it up fro anything, but the fact that people would only hire me for the popularity of my boyfriend. It's not what I want to get my roles for, I want to earn them, not just have them handed to me.

Watching Taylor being strapped to the bonnet of the truck for his first scene. Even though he's strapped on, I still feel nervous that he's outside of a moving car that's travelling 40m/hr.

"Quiet on the set! Taylor you ready?" He yells, sitting behind the moniter as Taylor nods, "Scene 1 B marker, take 1. And rolling,"

"Action," John calls and the car lurches forward to start the day of filming. My boy's so good.

Baby Blue - A Taylor Lautner love storyWhere stories live. Discover now