Dying - Chapter 49

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Okay, quick dedication to @_munchkinz_13 for motivating me to update it - so so sorry I've been so slack!

The door swings open and I push  myself off the wall so I'm standing up straight.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, walking over to Taylor and taking hold of his hand.

He nods and kisses my cheek, "Sure is,"

"So can we go home now?" I ask him with a smile on my face, as he rests his forehead on mine.

"I think he wants to tell you something first," He chuckles and he leads me back into the room.

"So you already know?" I ask Taylor and he nods as a reply, "Good to know my best friend tells my boyfriend things before me,"

We walk in to the lounge room section and I see Jamie sitting on the couch with one elbow slung over the back of the couch while he absentmindedly chews on his thumb nail.

"Jamie?" I ask, "Are you alright?" Noticing his red rimmed eyes. As he snaps out of staring and chewing his nail, he sniffs and shifts so he is looking at me.

"I kind of need to tell you what I told Taylor,"

"You're not dying are you?"

Both of the boys chuckle and Taylor squeezes my hand.

"Nope, I'm not dying," He smiles and pats the couch next to him.

I pull my hand out of Taylor's and walk over, sitting down carefully as if anything might break with the tension I feel in the room.

"So what's up,"

"This is so cliché," He smiles solemnly, "But, I would never like you in a romantic way Zoe, ever,"

"Gee, thanks," I scoff,

"Not because you're not gorgeous or because you annoy me, but because..." He sighs, "I'm gay,"

"Why did I not know this?" I gush, grabbing his hand. He is my bestfriend, how did I not even figure this out. "What about Maggie?"

"Because I was ashamed of it, didn't want anyone to know because if someone knows then it's real. And I haven't figured out how to tell her. The words, 'I've been gay my whole life and I'm only starting to come to terms with it now so I have to break up with you,' seem a bit harsh. I've been thinking about it for a while though,"

"I have nothing to say and not because I'm about to disown you but because I feel like a terrible friend,"

"Why?" He chuckles, "You're not a terrible friend. If you were, I wouldn't have told you,"

"I don't know, shouldn't best friends know this stuff?" I ask as he hugs me.

"Don't worry about it, now you know,"

"Have you told anyone else?"

"Just you, my sister and Taylor,"

"Not even your parents?"

He sighs and closes his eyes and then looks at me, "Would you like to tell my parents you were gay? You know how judgmental they are," That's when the tears start threatening to spill over the rim of his eyes.

"They're your parents James," His eyes snap up at his real name and I nod at him, "Yes I'm using your real name because you know I'm serious when I do. But you shouldn't have to feel like this, I know it's probably a lot harder for you in this situation but I think you should tell them," He nods and leans forward so his head is on my shoulder, "It will make you feel like it's less of a burden or a secret,"

He pulls his head back and looks at me, "that's exactly what it feels like. See? I told you that you're not a bad friend,"

I pull him closer to me and hug him looking to Taylor over his shoulder and he smiles warmly to me.

"Hey Jamie, now might not be a good time but you might have the chance to tell them now," Taylor says, grabbing a vibrating phone off the counter and handing it to Jamie.

"You can do it," I encourage and he answers the phone and proceeds to do just that. 


"Well, that's definitely not what I was expecting him to say, but I'm glad he did,"

Taylor kisses my head and chuckles, "I just love how he started to tell you. Like. It was gold seeing you're face," We laugh as I cling into bed and Taylor walks around to his side.

"Goodnight Tay," I smile as I pull my pillow into a comfortable position.

Taylor's arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me back so my back is against his chest, "Goodnight beautiful,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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