Australia - Chapter 20

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A/N: So it skips to the promo tour now and she's going with him. They're in the airport at the start of the chapter :)

Keep reading and be kind to one another :)



"This is crazy," I say, panning my head around, looking to all of the crazed fans screaming for my boyfriend and best friend, "They're intense,"

"They'll be screaming for you next,"


"They love you,"

"I've never seen anything in the press about me," I say, looking up to him slightly confused, "Is there things about me?" I ask concerned, what do they say about me if there is? Is it good stuff, do people hate me?

"Yeah, of course. I've never said anything about you in an interview, but somehow people know your name and there are pictures of you and I together, holding hands and stuff so that's pretty much the only true stuff about it,"

"That's insane,"

"Welcome to my life,"

"So, you just have to walk through the airport with heaps of screaming fans around you?"

"Pretty much, you stop and take a few photos every once in a while, but security once we are checked in and all of that is pretty tight,"

"Right," I sigh, "I'll just follow you,"

"Good idea," He nods, taking my hand and pulling me beside him, "Ready to go?"

"Yep. I still can't believe you are taking me to Australia. There is going to be pretty much no time to spend with each other,"

"We'll find time,"

"How are you guys?" Kristen says walking next to us, her bodyguard catching up.

"Not bad,"

"Overwhelmed," I scoff, "How could you not be?"

"You always get overwhelmed, you just learn to hide it," She says patting my shoulder,

"ZOE!!!!!" A bunch of girls scream my name and my head flicks to their direction and my hand automatically lifts to a wave, then my head flicks back to Taylor's,

"Your biggest fans I'm guessing," Taylor whispers nodding towards them,

"Um, we need to get going kids, so just follow us and please, don't get lost," Taylor's bodyguard says taking his place back next to Kristen's. He's nice, and seems to have a good connection with Taylor.

"Come on," 

I clutch onto Taylor's hand and stick close to him, in fear that I'll lose him in the crowd and that's the last thing I would want.


"Well, that was..." I start but have no idea where to end that sentence.

"You're so cute," He says wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"At least I can sit down now," I say, thumping down into the seat, "Economy class would've been fine for me,"

"No, a 14 hour flight on your own would have been torture," 

"I guess," 

He takes a seat next to me in the most comfortable first class chair that would have to exist.

"Well, I'm exhausted," I let an exasperated sigh escape from my lips and lay my head on Taylor's shoulder and nuzzle my head, trying to get comfortable and trying to get sleep to take over my brain.


"That wasn't  so bad," I chuckle, dumping my suitcase in the corner of the room and huffing, "It's so pretty," I say in awe staring out the window of our hotel room,

"Have you ever been out of America?"

"I've been to Canada?" I laugh and he tackles me onto the bed


"Nope," I pop the 'p', smirking up to him.

"So your first time oversees and your not even with your family," He chuckles, kissing my cheek,

"Pretty much," I nod, "I'd rather travel with you than my sister to be honest," I say matter-of-factly and he laughs,

"When is your first interview?"

"Tonight," He says, almost sounding like he's complaining.



I don't really know why I came with him, oh that's right Zoe, you love him and don't want to leave him and don't want to be on the other side of the earth. That's probably why. But in all honesty, there won't be any Taylor and Zoe time. It'll be all interviews and press conferences this whole time. The upside of have a celebrity boyfriend really.

"There will be time for us to have a look around,"

"I know," I sigh and draw it out longer than needed, "Kristen'll come too right?"

"Yeah, well, who else is she going to hang out with?" 

"Don't be mean," I say slapping his chest playfully.

"I'm not, Rob didn't come with us so it's just us and her,"

"He's filming right?"


"I can't believe I'm spending nearly a month oversees, with you," I sigh, sitting in his lap and tucking my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm glad you're here,"

"I'm glad I'm here too," I say pulling my head back and looking into his big brown eyes and quickly pressing my lips to his. A knock at the door pulls us apart as I push myself up and walk over to the door.

I swing it wide open, nearly knocking myself over in the process, to reveal Kristen standing there tapping her foot.

"Hey Kristen,"

"Hey," she says walking past me into the room, "Please, come in," I say sarcastically.

"Thanks," She sighs, "Have you got any food?"

"Gee, my best friend only loves me for my food," I say, pretending to be in shock, with my hand resting on my chest.

"One of the reasons," She nods and then starts laughing, "I'm joking but i'm not. Seriously, aeroplane food is foul, do you have any?"

"Yeah," I let out an exsasperated sigh and walk over to our mini fridge and take out the first thing I see, an apple. "Hear you are," I exhale throwing it to her.

"An apple? Are you trying to tell me something? I can see the pretzels in the cupboard," She says pointing to them.

"Well, you can get them," I say flopping down onto the bed next to Taylor, playing with his hair.

"None of that while I'm in here thank you," She snaps playfully.

I poke my tongue out at her and pull Taylor's face to mine and crush my lips against his in a heated kiss.

"OKAY! OKAY! I won't ask for anymore food," She says, throwing a pillow or something off the couch at us but we keep going anyway as he smirks into the kiss.

"Guys, seriously cut it out,"

I pull away and tuck my hair behind my ear, "Sorry," I say embarrassed.

"What are you going to do tonight Zoe?"

"I don't kn-"

"Come with us,"

"I'm coming with you then," I chuckle and Kristen shakes her head,

"Whipped," She mutters under her breath which I detest to by throwing the pillow back at her, but secretly, it's true.

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