Unbroken - Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! The movie 'Unbroken' I say in this chapter and pretty much, any movie I say (except the Twilight movies) will be made up, unless I tell you in my llittle paragraph at the start :P 'Zoe Echo' is a madeup character too! Just a fanfic :) Disclaimer: I don't own the twilight cast, they own themselves :)

Chapter 1

"OH MY GOD!!!!! ZOE!!!!!" I hear my sisters voice screaming from the study, "THERE IS SOMEONE ON THE PHONE FOR YOU!" She squeals. Gee, must be someone, she never raises her voice above a whisper. I grab the phone out of her hand and put it to my ear. 

"Hello," I say

"Zoe Echo?" The mans voice says.

"Um, Yes, that's me," Who is this guy?

"It's David Slade. I'm a director. I saw you in your school play and I must say, I was quite impressed with your performance,"

"Oh my, um, you're directing Eclipse! Aren't you?" I say, my voice rising in pitch.

"Yes, Yes I am. And I may be directing another movie after Eclipse, and would love to meet with you to discuss about you being in it. Have you been in any other movies Zoe?"

This knocks the wind out of me. I stand there speechless for what seems like 10 minutes. Only to be nudged by my sister. 

"Sorry. I would love, to be in your movie. I've been in one, but I don't think anyone knows about it," I say looking at my sister and she starts smiling and jumping around like an idiot.

"Well, what's the name of the movie?"

" Unbroken. You've probably never heard of it," I say chuckling.

"Well, I'd love to say I have but I'm afraid I haven't. I will check it out though. Well as you could imagine, I'm extremely busy with Eclipse. I can either call you and discuss a time to meet you, or if you would like, you could come up to the set and meet with me there,"

"I would love to come up to the set if that's alright," I say smiling at my sister.

"Great, I was hoping you'd say that. Have you got a pen with you?"

I scramble around for a pen and piece of paper.

"I do now," I say and he and I both chuckle.

I take the address down, and the day he wants me to arrive. We say our goodbyes and I hang up.

"Stacey..." I say.

"Yeah, what did he say? tell me, tell me tell me!" She squeals.

"He wants me to be in his next movie, aannnddd, I'm going to the set of Eclipse!" I scream and she runs up and hugs me.

"Thats awesome Zoe! When are you going to meet with him?" She says.

"Next week. It's not that far away. But I still have to book a hotel room, which I'm going to do now," I say pulling the laptop off the desk. 

"I'm so excited for you!" She says.

"Thanks Stac," I say.

"When are you going to tell mom?" She asks.

"I don't know! When she gets home. I want to go now!" I jump.

"Go book your hotel," Stacey says opening the laptop for me. 

After I've booked the hotel, I go to the living room and switch the TV on. The news is on. I sigh,

"What?" Stacey says walking in.

"The news. It's so boring," I whine

"Maybe now, but when you're all over it, it won't be," She says sticking her tongue out.

"Ha ha very funny," I say throwing a cushion at her, "Don't get your hopes up,"

The shrill ring of the phone rings through the house.

"I'll get it," I say huffing and standing up off the couch. I grab the phone off the desk and hit the answer button.

"Hello Zoe speaking," I say, sounding slightly bored.

"Yes Zoe, It's David. I watched Unbroken. It's great. Would you be able to come to set tomorrow? You don't have to be there early, just in the afternoon. Is that possible?"

"Oh wow, sure. Of course I can," I say.

"Great I'll-" He gets cut off by a female speaking to him, "Yeah yeah that's great Kris, thanks. Go back and get some rest," He says, the sound muffled by what must be his hand, "Sorry Zoe, someone just needed to ask me something. Yes, so anyway, that's great you can be here tomorrow, what time do you think you'll be arriving and what car do you drive, just so I can tell security to let you in," He says with a chuckle.

"I drive a mini, and probably around 2, is that alright?" I ask

"2 is fine, I'll be shooting scenes all day, but not after 5pm I don't think, so I'll be able to talk to you then,"

"Cool, how long do I need to book a hotel room for?"

"Well, I'll give you some time to bond with the cast, as they're probably going to be your friends for the time you're up there, and we may need you as an extra or something, so maybe a week, a week and a half," He says.

Extra? Did he really just say, he might need me to be in Eclipse. And that the cast is going to be my friends? This doesn't happen to farm girls like me! This day just keeps getting better and better.

"The cast are staying in the Hotel, I'm not sure what it is called, they organised it, apparently the one that the crew chose wasn't good enough, I'll just ask them, hold on a sec," He says.

There is scilence on the other line for a few seconds and then I hear talking. "Taylor, where are you guys staying?" David says. It takes me a while to realise who he is talking to. Taylor Lautner. I can't believe he can go around talking to them like his own children. Something else clicks in my brain. 

"Yeah yeah that's great Kris, thanks,"

It was a female voice. Kris. Who's Kris - oh my god! Kristen Stewart. Far out!

"Zoe? Zoe," I hear from the phone. 


"They are staying in the Hotel on Main St,"

"Right thank you. Main St Vancouver?"

"Yes that's the one,"

"Okay thank you,"

"That's okay Zoe. I'll see you around 2 tomorrow. Mini Cooper right?"

"Yes. It's navy blue,"

"Good, I was going to say. One of the cast has a black one. See you tomorrow," He says and I chuckle.

"Okay cool, I'll see you tomorrow," I say hanging up the phone 

"STACEY!!! I'm going tomorrow, and I might be in Eclipse, only an extra, but still!" I squeal running to my room.

"Zoe!! That's awesome! I wish I could act!" She says and I laugh.

"I never thought I could act, but obivously I can,"  I say.

"Geez, havnt even made it to Hollywood yet, not even Vancouver yet, and you've already got a big head," She says with a smirk on her face.

"Dude!" I say throwing a jumper I picked up at her.

"Thank you, I liked this jumper," She says putting it on.

"Oi! Please give it back," I say looking at her sternly.

"Calm down, I'm not going to keep it," She says chucking it back to me. "Now pack. I don't want you to blow this up," She says. Thinking about the day, I can't wipe the smile off my face. This is going to be my big break. I don't want to blow this up either.

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