Get Used To It - Chapter 12

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When I wake up the sun is shining through the open blinds. I rub my eyes and try to find my phone. I effectively turn my whole room upside down but I still can't find it. 

"Shit," I mutter.

I decide to go and see if Taylor has seen it.

Considering I didn't change out of last nights clothes, it doesn't take long for me to get ready.

I shove my key in my pocket and walk down the hall sleepily and knock on his door. It takes about 5 minutes for him to open the door, he was probably asleep but, it's my phone, it's important business we're dealing with.

He opens the door and i was right, he was asleep.


"Hey Zoe," A shirtless Taylor answers the door. Man that sleepy voice is sexy.

"Have you seen my phone?"

"Uh, I have actually, it's in here," He says opening the door fully and walking over to the table.

"There you go," He says passing it to me.

"How did you get it?"

"You dropped it last night, I picked it up but you seemed really tired so I thought I'd give it to you today,"

"Thank you," I say hugging him, "Sorry for waking you up,"

"It's alright, my alarm is about to go off anyhow and your voice is better then the alarm," He says, slightly more awake than before. That was a really cheesy comment but I brush it off as nothing,

"What time are you going to set this morning? Oh and I'm supposed to check out today,"

"Just stay with Kristen or I, you don't have to go. Did you know that I wrap tomorrow?" He says and I my mouth drops,



"What are you going to do after tomorrow?"

"Hang around here probably until everyone wraps. I might have to do a few re-shoots but I don't know yet," He shrugs, "David might want me to hang around,"

"Oh ok, but you're staying here?"

"Of course,"

"Good. So back to my question, what time?"


"It's 8:45 now you realize that?"

His alarm clock blares and he snickers,

"I do now,"

"Very observant,"

"I'll let you get ready," I say, "Thanks for getting my phone for me,"

"No problem. I'll come past and pick you up before I go," He says and I nod

"See you soon,"

I check my messages and there is only one from Stace:

hey zo, i hope ur having a good time but can you plz hurry up and come home! mom and dad  r making me do all of ur chores on the farm! when do u think u'll b bac?

stace xx 

I laugh and reply,

i am having a good time thnx. suck it up coz im not coming home for at least another week, things hav happened :) good things, dw 

thannnk youuuu <3

zo x

I open my door and throw my phone on my bed, watching where it lands and then I go and have a shower.

Baby Blue - A Taylor Lautner love storyWhere stories live. Discover now