Tomorrow - Chapter 7

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"What do you want for dinner?" He asks.

"Chinese again? I don't know, I'm a fussy eater, I don't like a lot of things," I say and he nods.

"Chinese it is then," He says.

I sit there on the bed watching T.V absentmindedly,

"It will be up in a bit," He says sitting down next to me.

"Thanks," I say and he shakes his head,

"Don't worry," He chuckles, "Anytime,"

"I'll hold that against you," I say and we both chuckle, "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing, I have a day off," He shrugs, looking down at my face,

"Cool. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, I don't really have a life, so probably go to set and just hang out there," He says and I laugh.


We sit there watching T.V, talking about the day for what seems like forever. And we only stop talking when room service knocks at the door.

"I'll get it," I say sitting up and getting off the bed.

"Alright," He says.

I open the door and it's the same girl as last night, looking slightly deflated as she sees me,

"Hi," She says wheeling the trolley in.


"I didn't see you here last night," She says dryly,

"I was sitting on the bed there watching T.V," I point out and she nods,

"Alright, well enjoy," She says, wheeling the trolley back out of the room, taking half as long as she did last night,

Another knock at the door and I walk over and get it yet again,

"Hey," Kristen says giving me a hug.

"Hi," I mumble, "Didn't you have extra shooting to do?" I ask and she nods.

"But not that much," She says, "Are you guys coming out tonight?"

I shake my head, looking to Taylor for support,

"Well, you're coming out with us tomorrow, whether you like it or not," She says and I chuckle.

"Okay," I giggle,

"That's all I came over for," She says, walking backwards out the door.

"See you tomorrow," She says putting her hands in her pockets.

"See ya," I say closing the door.

"And you say they're not your friends," He says and I laugh.

"Well, I've only known them for a little bit," I say taking my place on the bed, "And I'd be closest to Kristen apart from you,"

"Nice. You want to eat?" I say dragging the food over to the bed.

"Sure," He says pulling a plate over to him.

After we've eaten, we watch T.V and just talk. We don't even talk about anything in particular, we just talk.

"Well, I think I should get going," I say standing up.


"It's 12:30?" I say and he chuckles,

"I didn't realise," He says, "Time flies when you're having fun," He says and butterflies flutter around my stomach.

"Thanks for buying me dinner," I yawn, "Again,"

"It's really no problem," He says giving me a hug. I hug him back tightly.

"Do you really have to leave in 2 weeks?" He asks as we walk towards the door.

"Maybe. I don't have to, I'm sure my sister won't mind riding my horse for me and doing all of the chores," I say sarcastically, "Depends if David wants me hanging around his set," I smile leaning against the door frame, "Anyway, I will see you tomorrow,"

"You will,"

"Hey if you do go to set tomorrow, what time will you be there? David told me he wanted me to be there at 10," I say.

"Well, I'll be there sometime around 11? I want to go and get some stuff in the morning," He says and I nod.

"Cool, I'll just hang around with Kristen,"

"Wait, I'll call you when I'm coming to set and then you can meet me at my trailer,"

I nod to his suggestion, sending a smile to his face

"Give me your phone," I say holding my hand out. After I've put my number in his phone, I give him a hug and walk back to my room with a huge smile on my face.

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