25. Nothing to lose

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"Genni, be careful. Sit back down." Mel said while trying to make me sit.

"So you four, are telling us, TWO SEVENTEEN YEAR OLDS, to get out of your house?" I said as I stood up.

"No! Don't touch me! Get off me! This is unbelievable! I am getting kicked out because I have a boyfriend like every other teenage girl?" I screamed at them.

"Don't raise your voice at us young lady!" Mel's mom said.

"Why not? I'm not under your power anymore, so why should anything I say effect you guys?" I yelled. A nurse came in and asked if they need to be escorted out.

"Yes, she can stay. But, them four need to go, they are making me highly upset and disappointed." I said while my mom and dad looked at me with shocked eyes.

"Why? We are simply talking to you!"

"This isn't my family anymore." I mumbled under my breath the four of them to hear as they looked at me with shocked faces.

"What darling? You're going to have to speak up." The nurse said with a small polite smile.

"Nothing, can they just leave please?" I asked nicely. She looked at me and smiled as she escorted them out. I couldn't get a full grasp of what our parents just said. I was still in a daze from those threatened words. I looked at Mel and she was in the same state that I was. My head couldn't even grasp a glasp of reality.

After I was discharged our parents were right outside, waiting for us. Mel was already calling Erica to come pick us up and they had our stuff all over the black steel bench. They only looked at us and their appearance echoed until it was completely gone. We walked over to the bench and sat there.

"Is Erica coming?" I asked.

"She said she's on her way from your house." Mel said quietly.

Eleven minutes later, Erica showed up giving both of us a hug and comforting us. I finally let go of the tears that I was holding in, onto her sweater.

"Erica, we have no place to go.." Mel and I muffled.

"You guys can stay with us, for as long as you want to." She said, but then Vincent and his attitude towards me this morning flashed in my head again. Then an image of Amelia did the same too. I slightly smiled that I could be around my princess to give her that proper motherly love that she hasn't been getting.

We loaded our stuff in the trunk of her car, then entered it. We rode in a comfortable silence with music softly playing, until Mel mentioned Josh.

"Is Josh home?"

"Text him and ask." Erica said in a duh tone.

"What about Vincent?" Mel said while the whole car became silent.

Erica opened her mouth to break the silence, "He's home."

"What about my baby Amelia?" I asked softly.

"She's home too." Erica said smiling.

"The only good thing coming out of this is that I get to see my baby girl."

"Wow, are you really that mad at Vincent, Nova?" Mel said while typing away on her phone.

"When Josh disrespects you, then you come talk to me and see how it fucking feels." I said sternly.

"Well, geez. I was just asking. Sorry." She said as Erica remained silent.

We drove in silence, until we reached their house and we unloaded the car. Josh came running out to help Mel and Amelia came waddling out with Vincent by her side.

"Mommy!" She said as she waddled in a hurry.

"Hey princess!" I said, reaching my arms out and giving her kisses.

"Hey, can I get a kiss too?" Vincent asked as I hugged Josh with Amelia in my arms. Everyone stood quietly as they all stared at Vincent.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing, can we just unload these bags and show the ladies to their new rooms?" Josh said, trying to avoid the awkwardness that was slowly creeping over everyone.

We brought all the bags in our new rooms and I was taken by surprise once I saw a gift bag on my bed.

From Amelia and Daddy; it read.

It was a hand drawn picture by Amelia, she drew herself in the middle with a tall white male and a short black female, with the sun in the corner, the house behind them, clouds only floating by.

"You like it?" Vincent said, standing behind me as I moved over.

"Yeah, she's a beautiful and creative girl." I said bluntly.

"How do you like your new room?" He said trying to make conversation.

"It's perfect. Thanks." I said while trying to put my comforters on.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

"No, I don't. Go back to texting." I said brushing him away.

"Oh, so that's what this is about?" He said, crossing his arms. I pushed past him and went to Amelia's room.

"Where's my princess?" I said as she hid behind her toy box.

"Is she in here?" I looked under her blanket.

"Or maybe in here." I looked behind her curtain. I sat on her toy box, with the thinker pose.

"Boo!" She said as I pretended to act scared.

"Did I scare you Mommy?"

"Yes, you did. Come on princess, let's help Mommy unpack her things." I said as I picked her up and she climbed onto my back. We went inside my room and saw Vincent on the phone. I motioned Amelia to be quiet and she listened.

"Look, I have a daughter and you aren't going to be trying to waltz into her life... She barely remember you!.... Well tell my father that he could suck my dick if he ever tried to come close to her..... The devil is a lie, that's why I'm not listening to you." He hung up the phone and put his head in his hands and sighed.

"BOO!" Amelia said with a scary position.

"Did we scare you Daddy?" She said as he picked her up and gave her a half smile.

"Yeah you guys did. Are you guys hungry?" He asked. Amelia shouted out yes as he picked her up and walked straight by me. Erica was passing by as she talked to Vincent and he passed Amelia to her. I turned around and walked straight to my room. I closed the door and it was soon met with a knock.

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