9. That's Me Right There

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"And the reason why the United States entered World War 2 was because?" He stood up, holding up the textbook.

"Because of Pearl harbor?"

"You got it!" He softly high five me and hugged me. I smiled and looked at the time.

"It's 11:10, shouldn't you be getting home?" I said, while he unlocked his phone.

"No, I like being in here with you. What's your IG name?" He said while giving me his phone to type it in the search. He followed me and I followed back. He laid back on my bed, and I fell back on his arm. He pushed me and I pushed him back.

"Why did you push me?" I said while whining.

"Cause you like me and I like you." I smiled and he pulled me into a hug.

"Delete it Vincent!" I whisper yelled to him. He shook his head and laughed.

"I don't want to, we look cute together." He held me close and kissed my cheek for the first time. He recorded us on his phone and posted it up on Instagram, tagging me in it. I was tired and began to fall asleep. I felt Vincent kiss my forehead and felt the breeze of cold air brush past me as he left. I turned my head in search for him, I smiled and went back to sleep.

I woke up this warm Friday morning and I am excited for my date with Vincent. I took a shower and dressed up in gray crop shirt, black jeggings, with a flannel, and then with cream Timberlands. I sprayed Victoria Secret's Sweet Dreams spray as I went downstairs with my phone and duffle bag, and I looked at my phone with all these Instagram icons on the top of my screen. I open it up and saw comments with my name being tagged in them. I looked at the picture and I don't remember taking it. I tapped on the picture and saw Vincent and I laying side by side with his arm around me with the blanket over us, while I was sleeping. With a caption saying;

That's me right there with a lock emoji and a heart.

I saw comments about it, and it seemed generally most people were congratulating him or telling him to hold on tight. I looked down at some of the other comments and I frowned a little bit.

U could have had this Vinny, one girl commented.
Tell me when u want some real fun ;), another girl commented.
Kik me Vin, another girl commented on the picture.

I sort of felt bad because I felt like I was causing him too much attention.

I walked to the bus stop with my headphones blasting music and dancing along with it in my head. I look forward and began to daydream a little bit.

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