12. Nirvana

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"How does it taste?" He asked.

"Really good, actually. Someone is calling you." I said while looking at his vibrating phone.

"Yeah, it's just my older sister." He shrugged it off.

"Pick up, it could be important." I said as I watched him pick up his phone.

"Hello?" He said irritated.

"But I'm still on my date. Can you hold her for another hour or so please Erica?"

"You're outside? Just give her to Josh and tell him to-" the person hung up on him.

I looked at him, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is good." He weakly smiles. Josh walks in with an adorable little girl, she stubbles to walk as she held Josh's hand. She looks like Vincent a little bit, the eyes and the pale skin, but her hair was more curly and was a light brown, she had adorable freckles on her cheeks and Josh set her on the floor of the shed and she crawled towards Vincent. I sit and watch the adorable baby girl crawl towards him as I take a sip of the grape juice.

"Dada." She reaches for him and he picks her up. I stare at him looking, very confused.

"Nova, this is my daughter. Amelia.." His voice fades as Josh slowly creeps out the shed. I almost choked on the juice as Vincent quickly sets Amelia down on the couch in the far right, to help me.

"You okay?" He said while patting my back. I nodded and slowly got up.

"Nova. Please don't leave." I walked backwards until I felt the door hit my back.

"Nova, please.." I grabbed the door handle.

"Nova!" He called out as I left the shed, I ran and looked back and was stopped in my tracks by someone holding me by my shoulders.

"Givoanna! It's me, Josh." I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Let me go!"

"Stop acting so damn childish! Vince has a child okay? So what? This nigga went all out for you! I've never seen him put so much effort into a girl before. I understand, this is crazy. You like someone and you turn around and see a child in the picture. But can you just think for a second, this nigga actually wants you. He dropped all thots and even posted a picture and a video of y'all up on IG? For real? This dude never done that for no regular ass bitch before. He's in there, probably shedding tears for you! Stop running away from him, from what y'all could have together. It's crazy, but crazy enough to deal with. Go. Go talk to him. Go talk about Amelia. Go talk about why you shouldn't leave him. Go talk about what to do from here. Don't run away." He let's go of me and turns me around to the path of the shed.

I walk back slowly, thinking about what Josh said.

I knock on the shed and don't get a reply. I knock again, and open the door.

"Josh, I'm not in the fucking mood, she's sleeping and I want to keep it that way. Close the fucking door." He said in a husky angry tone, which sort of made me turned on in a way.

I walked in a sat next to him on the couch, holding him by the arm with my head on his shoulder. "I'm not Josh." He turned his head and weakly smiled with tears falling from his face.

"She's beautiful." I said as I played with her foot, and she smiled in her sleep which made me smile.

"I can explain this, I know this is a lot but she's my life and I am not-" I hushed him with a warm kiss.

"Explain later."

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