30. What She Say

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"Amelia, go into your room and don't come out until Mommy tells you to okay?" I said. She ran upstairs as I looked out to the screen door and walked towards it. I saw Jackson reach in his back pocket for a handgun.

My heart is going to drop, I went through the screen door and looked at Jackson as Vincent stood there without any motion or fear. I ran outside to stand in front of Vincent as Mel called my name and I didn't hear or listen to anything because all my eyes and mind were focused on was going to happen next if Vincent gets shot.

"Nova, what are you doing?" Vincent said lowly.

"Not trying to have you killed! Jackson, what are you doing?"

"Looking for you actually." Jackson said deviously.

"Well, what do you want from me?"

"Simply you. Vincent doesn't want you or else he wouldn't have-"

"Shut the fuck up Jackson!" Vincent said, clearly capturing Josh's attention.

"What in the fuck are you doing here?" Josh yelled out.

"Josh, this isn't any of your business. Go back in the house with your stupid girlfriend and leave this alone. This has nothing to do with you." Jackson said as everyone looked at Josh. Josh looked at Jackson slowly, his eyes went from the average pale blue to a dark blue within seconds. I didn't know what to do, but I stood quietly without any sudden movements.

Josh charged to Jackson and pulled the handgun from Jackson's hand. Vincent pulled him off of Jackson, I stood there motionless and speechless as well because we all might witness a murder today. Mel screamed stop, Vincent held Josh back and Jackson laid on the ground, bleeding to death.

"Josh, calm the fuck! Don't kill him!"

"He deserves to die!"

"I don't care if you think he should die, that's not your choice to make!"

"He almost just tried to kill you and you are trying to be calm through a situation like this?"

"Stop being like this Josh. I understand that you are very upset Josh, but he is your brother regardless."

"No, because you're going to wish that I fucking killed his ass early. I promise you! You guys don't know what kind of fucking piece of shit he is. Don't come to me how he is going to kill y'all later. I swear to fucking God!" Josh stomped away, while Jackson was regaining his strength.

"Josh, come back!" Mel said, chasing after him.

Vincent and I looked at each other while Jackson stood up with a straight, bloody face. I couldn't bear to even look at him. Vincent helped him inside, his face was only blood from cuts on his eyebrow and his nose, along with his mouth.

"Why are you helping?" Jackson stammered.

"Because I have a good heart and I wouldn't want Josh to have another body on his hands."

"What do you mean? Weren't you just about to kill me like last month or two months ago?"

"Yes, but I had an amazing morning and I have a amazing girlfriend, who teaches me. I don't need to hurt anyone because they have done wrong with me. Just don't mess her or Amelia. Don't come around my family ever again and we will be fine. Understand?" Vincent told Jackson with a stern voice, that made me even jump in my stance. Jackson looked at him with feared eyes.

"I'm sorry Vincent.." Jackson mumbled under his breath.

"Don't be. Don't know why in the hell you're after us so bad. You're suppose to be his brother. Not another body."

"It's hard being his brother and your friend. All this popularity you both get while I'm the nerd school twin. It's annoying and a disgrace. He kills and it's over and okay with. I try to kill and I can be thrown in jail for the next 30 years. That doesn't make sense at fucking all."

"Cause you actually have a future. We are the troublemakers and you're the smart one. You don't have to be bad to be accepted from us. Jackson, stop following Josh and I. Become Jackson Davis. We know that you'll do amazing things. We believe in you. Stop trying to be him so hard." Vincent told him as I watched the beautiful moment unfold.

"Clean you up and you can start as Jackson. Not anyone else."

"Thanks Vin. I needed someone to be honest enough to tell me." Jackson said while dapping him up.

"Can you guys help me fix my face then?"

"Yeah, the scars will make you more manly." He laughed. We both agreed as Vincent got the hydrogen peroxide and I helped Jackson wash his face off.

"Lia, princess!" I yelled out.

"Mommy!" She ran into my arms as I lifted her up in one scoop.

"I was literally just looking for you baby girl."

"Did I do a good job Mommy?"

"Yes, you did Princess. Let's go downstairs with Daddy." She squealed in response and I giggled.

"Daddy? A little gift for you." I told him as I walked over to him with a kiss on the cheek.

"My favorite two girls? Best surprise ever." He said as Lia jumped into his arms over the couch.

"There is my baby girl. Haven't seen that smile in a long time. Tell me what's-" He was interrupted by his phone ringing. He looked at me for confirmation and I slightly smiled, nodding at him.

"Aye Ice."

"Yeah, see you in 30." He ended the call with a weird look on his face.

"J! Ice is coming in 30!" Josh walked down the stairs, shirtless with Mel right behind him, biting her lower lip.
"He's coming? Today?"

"Yeah. I guess he's out." Vincent said with his words getting softer.

"Uncle Ice is coming Lia." Vincent told her as her head tilted to the side in confusion.

Josh ran back upstairs with Mel looking at him in lust. Vincent looked at me and his eyes suddenly widen. Josh and Vincent began to look at each other more frequently for the last 20 minutes until the door bell rang, soon followed up with a couple of knocks on the door too. They both looked at each other like they were in fear, but happiness at the same time. Mel looked irritated and frustrated as Lia played with my fingers, smiling. They opened the door as I held my breath.

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