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December 4,2013

Hayley was sitting in her baby's Nursery room writing in her book thinking of names for her baby girl, as she did Mason came in holding hope

Mason: what are you doing (ask as hope squealed in his arms)

Hayley: just thinking of names for our little girl (says and he smiles)

Mason: our little princess (smiles)

Hayley: are you sure this room is perfect for her I mean it's super huge

Mason: our daughter should be treated like a princess the day she is born and will always will be as she grows (says)

Hayley: or do you just want to spoil her like you're doing with hope (smirks)

Mason: and that but you got to admit hope likes to be spoiled (says looking at hope who grab his noise and they laughed)

Hayley gash and grabs her stomach laughing alittle

Mason: is she kicking again (ask and hayley nods)

Hayley: yeah she is (says and looks at mason) do you want to-(he looks at her) come on

She says, Mason got close to her and touched her stomach to feel a small kick they both started laughing Mason set hope on Hayley's lap hugging her mothers stomach

Hayley: don't worry hope your little sister will be here soon

Mason: she's already growing as an overprotective sister now (says and they smiled)

Mason grab hope and laid her on his chest as he got up

Hayley: where are you going (ask)

Mason: me and Hope are going to look for some more baby toys isn't that right hope (says, hope giggles and he smiles) we'll be back

She watched the two leave laughing before going back to her book

Dear Zoe Caitlin or Angela to my little girl your father just asked about you and we're both wondering what you're doing in there since well you almost ended my life before I even got to know you but I love you anyway it was just you adapting to your nature and me being the first ever person to ever carry a demon child in a physical body besides your grandmother

Hayley was laying on a table Kicking and Screaming as they hold her down

Witches: anima mea ligare voluntatem suam accipere imperium renascitor (says over and over again)

Hayley: LET GO OF ME (says trying to break free)

Cole: you can fight all you want Hayley but this baby will let me live permanently on earth (says standing in front of her)

Hayley: you're going to sacrifice your own niece just to live I will kill you (says angrily)

Cole: oh Hayley I don't give two flying craps about your demon child (says) that child shouldn't exist at all same as my own sister demons are heartless monsters and need to be killed

Hayley: Mason and the others will find me (says)

Cole: please Mason is busy dealing with jace he doesn't even know that you're even gone which gives us enough time to get this over with (says and the witches came with a very hot poker stick with a mark on it

Hayley: what is that (says scared)

Cole: this Hayley is the demons mark, in order to have your baby you have to go through a demon ritual since well baby is half demon I'm surprised Elizabeth didn't tell you but then again someone must have erased her memory of what happened the day Ruby was born

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