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April 18, 2015- in mystic falls a group of vampires were shipping Ruby's coffin somewhere else where no one would find her, it was raining hard that night

Man: come on let's hurry up and get her out of here before there's any interruptions (says and they nod putting Ruby's coffin in a Truck) ok roy

But there was no answer

Man: roy (says)

Sorry but Roy's unavailable (says hayley, the man looked at her Hayley's eyes glowed and she ripped his heart out)

Soon hayley and tyler started fighting the vampires after they killed everyone Hayley open up the coffin to see a black stake in her chest, Hayley pulled it from her chest

Hayley: come on Ruby it's time to wake up (says)

Tyler: what now (ask)

Hayley: we leave (says picking up Ruby sitting her in the car in the backseat) come on before more show up)

They soon drove off, back in new jersey a woman was slowly trying to get to the Callstio's household when she got there she opened the door, she saw a woman before falling down going into a deep sleep

2 hours later Elizabeth was sitting in the living room waiting for the girl to wake up when she did Elizabeth walked in the room where the girl was sleeping in

Girl: who are you

Elizabeth: I think the better question is who are you since you're the one who came into my house (says)

Girl: my name is Bella cullen and I need your help (says and Elizabeth looked at her) I'm looking for Mason Callisto

Elizabeth: how do you know my son (ask)

Bella: I met him in California months ago (says)

Elizabeth: wait here (says and leaves)

Elizabeth went into the cellars where Mason was with Jordan

Mason just got finished torturing Jordan when he saw his mother

Elizabeth: someone is here to see you (says)

Mason: who is it I'm quite busy (says wiping the blood off of his body well some)

Elizabeth: some girl by the name Bella Cullen (says and mason stopped)

Mason: what, she's here right now (says and Elizabeth nods soon Mason disappeared upstairs, Elizabeth looked at Jordan)

Jordan: what no His or hello elizabeth (says smirking a little)

Elizabeth rolled her eyes before leaving upstairs, when she got back to the room where the girl was she saw Mason hugging her

Elizabeth: Mason would you be a dear and tell me who she is ( ask)

Mason: we met in California months ago she's a vampire but not the vampire we are but a different vampire a cold one (says)

Elizabeth: yes a vampire Esther created well fail, to destroy her children ( says)

Mason: yes we became good friends there ever since... it's been awhile... what are you doing here Bella (ask)

Bella: I am being hunted down by the Volturi and my family (says)

Mason: but why (says)

Bella looked at them before standing up removing her coat to show a five month baby bump, the two eyes widen

Bella: I might of did something to put a Target on my back (says and sits her jacket on the bed)

Mason: how is this possible (ask)

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