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February 10, 2026- it's been 3 days on Earth since hope went missing right now Hayley Marshall went to the school from getting a call from alaric saltzman she was sitting in his office

Hayley: I drove 8 to 9 hours here what's going on (ask looking at alaric)

Alaric: im just maybe wondering have you seen hope lately it's been 3 days and she is nowhere to be found

Hayley: what you noticed she's been missing for 3 days and didn't tell me sooner (says angrily)

Alaric: I know and I'm sorry but three days ago she had a little with fight the teacher she was supposed to go to the office but she never did (says)

Hayley: do you guys got cameras outside your school or anywhere in the school (ask)

Alaric: no we don't (says)

Hayley: what you telling me that the school does not have cameras anywhere to keep an eye on your student to protect them what kind of school is this (says)

Alaric: I'm sorry okay but we give our students privacy (says and hayley rolls her eyes)

Hayley: bullshit you think I don't know that she was being bullied here and you didn't do nothing about it

Alaric: hayley please it's hard to keep your children safe and do the same with the other students

Hayley: so what my daughters are different then everyone else (says)

Alaric: no that is not what I'm saying

Hayley: that is exactly what you're saying if you can't protect my daughter's then I am going to have to withdraw them from school this school

Alaric: what no Miracle loves it here would you really withdraw her from the one place she feel safe in

Hayley: my children doesn't feel safe here they feel trapped they feel different because people are treating them wrong especially my little hope (says)

Alaric: hay-(says)

Hayley: if my daughter is not return back with my family I will come after you and I will hurt everyone you love starting with your daughters (says and leaves)

Hayley got in her car and called Ruby

Hayley: Ruby something happened (says)

Ruby: what's going on (says)

Hayley: someone took Hope (says)

Ruby: what

Hayley: yeah I just got back from the school she's been missing for 3 days (says)

Ruby: okay I think you should call mason (says)

Hayley: it's been 5 years he hasn't called me since (says)

Ruby: I know but you two are going to have to set aside your differences and find your daughter (says and hangs up)

Hayley put her phone down, she look at the ring on her finger that she has not taken off since the day she married Mason and was not going to even though the two were taking a break from each other

With mason who was in the damon's house sitting next to a five month pregnant Elena

Elena: you okay (ask)

Mason: just thinking about my daughters I left without saying goodbye they probably hate me because I left a note on the day of hope's birthday and now because of it hope is getting bullied for it

Elena: maybe you should go see her (says)

Mason: i don't know if she wants to talk to me

Elena: if you don't know go find out because if you don't you will be hurting yourself and them even more (says)

Mason looks at her, he's phone rang he picked it up and answered it without looking at the name

Mason: hello (says)


Mason:(stops) hayley

Mason something happened to hope she's missing

Mason: alright ill be on my way (says and hangs up) hope's missing

Elena: is the family okay (ask)

Mason: I don't know but I got to go back home and see what's going on (says)

Elena: what about Damon (ask)

Mason: tell him it was nice seeing him and thanks for the advice (says) can you tell him that

Elena: of course I would go find your daughter (says)

Mason:(nods) and thanks elena

Elena: no problem (says) it was nice seeing you again

Mason: same (says and leaves)

With hope who stopped screaming and was now trying to get away, she tried using a spell to get herself out but nothing

You're not going to get out

Hope turn around to see a man

Hope: who are you (ask)

Man: you can call me the devil (says smirking)

Hope: what do you want

Man: well you see I met your auntie Ruby years ago she was being tortured in hell by me but some woman named Safari took her away so I now had to find someone else in the family to tortured and why not you (says)

Hope: my family will find me and they will kill you (says)

Man: I highly doubt it hell would be the last place they would find you in (says) and did your family tell you that a day in here is a year out there and an hour is a day

Hope: no your lying (says)

Man: but there is a way to get out if you pass three tests you'll be free but I highly doubt it you're not a demon so it will be very difficult for you

Hope: 3 tests (ask and he nods)

The devil: yes right now you only been here for three hours so that means you've been here for 3 days out there (says)

Hope: just tell me the challenges so I can go home (says)

The devil: you got to walk through fire get to the other side alive (says)

Hope: what (says looking at him)

The devil: you heard me go through fire is your first task I'll tell you your second one if you come out alive (says)

Hope: ( looking at him before nodding) fine I'll do the stupid challenges with you but you do realize that my body can heal

The devil: I'm counting on it (says)

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