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December 4, 2013- hayley was sitting on the couch with her now 10 month pregnant belly, hayley was looking through a book when mason came in following tyler

Mason: hey hayley how are you doing (ask)

Hayley: me or are you asking the one who has literally been punching me in the guts all morning

Mason:(smiles) both

Hayley: we are doing fine (says and sits up) so what's going on

Mason: well I'm going to go see jace and help him with the vampires and the werewolves he said he wanted me there, since my mom is out Tyler would be staying here protecting you just in case something happens (says and she nods)

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Mason: well I'm going to go see jace and help him with the vampires and the werewolves he said he wanted me there, since my mom is out Tyler would be staying here protecting you just in case something happens (says and she nods)

Hayley: well I hope everything turns out okay

Mason: I hope so too I better get going (says and heads off)

Hayley looks at tyler who sat in a chair in front of her

Tyler: so how is miracle baby

Hayley: shut up (says getting up and leaving with tyler laughing)

With mason he headed to the field to see jace standing there

Mason: jace I'm here what's going on what do you need help with

Jace: you made it amazing but I think I got everything handled

Mason: what do you mean why am I here (says out of nowhere someone staked him in the back and he fell down) what are you doing

Jace: I'm taking back my town mason (says)

Mason managed to reach the stick that was stuck to his back and pulled it out he got up and looked at jace

Mason: that was a wrong move jace you can't beat me

Jace: oh yeah but can you be a whole entire Army of vampires (says)

Mason turn around to see vampires coming out of nowhere surrounding him they all look like they were ready to attack him on Jace's command

Mason: let's get this party started (says and he's hybrid face shown before he attacked)

With hayley who was in the kitchen getting something to eat, she heard Tyler playing with hope in her room and smile, she headed out to see cole standing there

Hayley: cole you have some nerve coming here

Cole: I know but it's so much fun (says) but right now I need you

Hayley: what (says and was feeling weak she got dizzy and fell to the ground)

Witch: you sure you want to do this

Cole: of course I do that child is the key hurry up before Tyler comes down (says, they took Hayley away and sneaked out the castle)

With cara who was in her little workshop where she perform spells she was making a herb when she heard something knock over, she turn around to see nothing, she turned back around to see a man in front of her, she jumped

Cara: who the hell are you and how did you get in here

Man: my name is Liam and I need your help

Cara: with what

Liam: I need you to bring me back

Cara: I'm sorry bring you back, back from where

Liam: well you see I'm dead I need to be resurrected to be with my family

Cara: who is your family

Liam: you might have heard of them their last name is Callisto

Cara: are you ruby and mason's father

Liam: those two are not my kids but cole on the other hand is

Cara: why would I bring you back you'll terrorize the town

Liam: because I am a way that can kill them

Cara: why would I let you kill them

Liam: because I'm pretty sure you want them dead to protect your friend jace one of them is already killing people as it is

Cara: but I can't let you do that

Liam: and why not

Cara: jace is sired to mason I have to break Mason's sireline so jace doesn't died when mason does

Liam: maybe there's something I can help you bring me back and I'll make sure your friend lives

Cara: and I should trust you how

Liam: I always keep my word (says)

Cara: fine ok ill do it (says)

Liam: splendid (smirks)

With chloe who was in the library reading a book she found about supernaturals

Chloe: okay show me what you got (says opening the book looking through different sections of Supernaturals she stuck to the one where it mention demons

Chloe: what in the world (says and starts reading) on the day of a demon birth the mother is to go through a demon ritual to birth the child (says) does Mason and Hayley know about this (says and continues to read) but if the mother refuses they are to die and their baby is to be sacrificed to the Earth for their ancestors to get more power (says) okay but how do you know when they're about to do the ritual what are the signs (says and turns to see the sky getting really dark all of a sudden) okay that's weird

She says and starts to call Hayley

Hayley's phone

Chloe: who is this

Ouch I'm surprised you don't recognize my voice

Chloe: cole

Cole: ding ding ding correct we have a winner

Chloe: why do you have Hayley's phone where is she

Cole: well Hayley is unresponsive her baby is about to come and I have sacrificed to get on with

Chloe: Mason will find you

Cole: and what if he does he'll be too late (says) it was a pleasure speaking to you Chloe (says and hangs up)

Chloe looked at her phone to call Mason but he didn't answer she then started running to the castle to get help

With hayley

Hayley: no please (says trying to get free from the witches)

Cole: set her down here we'll start the ritual here

Hayley: what the hell are you talkin about

Cole: you are overdue Hayley and your baby seems like she's ready to come out (says)

Hayley: no she can't come out now

Cole: too late for that Hayley because when she's born she will be sacrificed upon her ancestors

Hayley: no no you will not take my baby (says angrily)

Cole: you have no choice hayley I'm sorry put her on the table (says)

Hayley: no no NO AHH AHHHHHH (screams out as they prepared her for the ritual)

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