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January 28, 2021- cole comes in to see mason drinking o-positive

Cole: ugh O-positive you heathen (says)

Mason: new rules no Bloodshed in the house where my daughters sleeps and plays ever since that night I have been very strict about now having people over perhaps I'll go out for dinner

Cole: no no no (says) we have no way to know who will take over this person place as the safari's right hand there could be any numbers of disciples out there

Mason: yes yes yes all who may have the means to kill us they already tried killing hope which is strange because she's not part of our blood which means she safe but we were wrong I take it you have a plan

Cole: we're thinking about someone placing a barrier spell on the castle no one will get in or out

Mason: oh so we're to stay here while our enemies seek to resurrect this monstrosity and let me guess you wont be confined here

Cole: I'm going to go find a weapon to kill safari (says) something useful that will stop her from resurrecting herself

Mason: and what am I to do (ask)

Cole: something (says and leaves)

Mason rolled his eyes before leaving somewhere else, with the girls walking around the castle

Hope: Miracle we cant go down here dad forbid us to (says)

Miracle: come on don't you want to know what they're hiding (ask)

Hope:(looks at her) fine

Soon the girls we're now in the cellar areas, they walked further in to see someone in a cell

Hope: who are you (ask and the person looked at them)

Jace: well call me Bluff your miracle and Hope (says)

Miracle: how do you know our names (ask)

Jace: I was a friend to your family (says)

Hope: if you're a friend then why are you locked down here

Jace: your father's like that (says)

Miracle: see i told me that man was bad he has an innocent person locked down here

Hope: that man is our dad miracle he may have done terrible things but only to protect our family

Miracle: I don't buy it (says)

Hope: suck it up and accept he's our dad, he's better than sam I know that for sure ( says)

Miracle: no he's not (says being stubborn) if he's our dad then why did he abandon us Sam was the only one who took care of us who took care of Mom

Hope: because he have no choice dad sacrificed his life so that Mom can get away with us and now he's back (says)

Jace: you girls have attitudes big one (says) I guess you get it from both sides of the family room

Hope: so how do you know our family if you're friends with them (says)

Jace: your family used to raise me when I was little (says and smiles)

Miracle: they did (ask and he nods) tell us more

Jace: well-(starts)

With cole and tyler who were in a witch store

Tyler: what makes you think there's a weapon to kill safari (ask as they were looking around)

Cole: it's nature what it creates always have a weapon to destroy it (says) including safari

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