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May 27,2014- thousands of years ago, lilly was walking to her and juan's secret hideout that they go to since witches and werewolves don't really get along and made a deal to stay away from each other but her and juan couldn't they loved each other and was not going to stop just because someone said so

When lilly got there she saw juan, she smiled but stopped to see juan crying, she ran up to him and looked at him

Lilly: what's wrong juan (says asking him)

Juan: its nothing (says wiping his tears away)

Lilly: it is not nothing if I see you crying, what's wrong, you can tell me (says)

Juan: my family wants me to marry someone (says and lilly stopped)

Lilly: what, why and with who (ask)

Juan: they said they need to marry someone and start a family as soon as possible

Lilly: what why (ask)

Juan: I'm going to be Alpha in a few more years I need to marry someone from a different pack to make my people stronger (says)

Lilly: but what about us (ask looking at him)

Juan: that's what I want to talk about, maybe we should

Lilly: please do not say you're going to break up with me

Juan: no of course not I love you too much to do that I was thinking maybe we should leave this place

Lilly: you mean run away from our home our family our life

Juan: yes to start a new one where we can be together and no one would judge that ( says)

Lilly: I don't know (says)

Juan: please lilly I'm doing this for us I don't want to lose you I don't want to marry someone that's not you (says and she smiles)

Lilly: fine I'll come with you (says, he smiles and the two kissed)

Thousands of years later- 2014

Elizabeth was sitting on the porch holding Miracle, while Ruby clean up the house as they were waiting for hayley and mason with hope, ruby came outside

Ruby: so ever since I've been gone, New Jersey has been going crazy

Elizabeth: yes to Cora bringing back liam to another threat we don't know about

Ruby: and you said my bio dad came back to

Elizabeth: yes our enemy bring him back to find miracle but he wanted us to kill him so he wouldn't try and hurt her but he told us that he loves you (says and ruby smiles)

Soon a car came zooming in, Hayley wasted no time on getting out the car running towards them as mason got hope out the car following her

Elizabeth and Ruby got up walking towards Hayley as they smiled, hayley looked at her daughter, Elizabeth handed miracle to hayley as Hayley picked her up hugging her

Ruby walked up to mason taking hope from him as he looked at miracle, hayley turns around towards Mason walking up to him, she gave him miracle, he looked at her and smiled

Hayley smiled as they looked at their daughter in happiness, later on hayley was in the living room watching a cartoon with hope and miracle, mason was in the dinning room as Elizabeth and ruby were outside discussion business

Hayley let the girls watch the show as she went in the dinning room where mason was

Hayley: hey what are you doing (ask sitting at the table next to him)

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