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February 13, 2026- So who's going to be the one to get hope from hell (says tyler who came in the living room where everyone else was at)

Elizabeth: I think Mason Hayley and Ruby should go (says)

Ruby: wait why us (ask)

Elizabeth: because you're a demon and Mason and Hayley are her parents and the rest of us has to stay here and protect Miracle since Safari decided to show herself and you do realize there's less of us since Cole left town with Cora 5 years ago

Mason: but you don't have to go if you don't want to since well you were tortured in hell (says)

Ruby: no I'll go my niece is in trouble and I have to push aside my fears to help her (says) but let's start tomorrow I'll have to regain my strength to perform a spell to get to hell and trust me it takes a lot of energy and I don't have it in me right now

Elizabeth: of course I'm sure hope you can wait another hour (says and soon they heard noises outside)

There they saw Sam with miracle coming in the door, Miracle looked at see her dad standing there

Miracle: dad (says looking at him)

Mason: miracle (says, she ran and hugged him)

Miracle: you're really back I heard what happened to Hope do you guys know where she is

Mason: she's somewhere where your auntie ruby went to years ago (says hugging her)

Miracle: is she coming back (says)

Mason: don't worry we'll bring her back home (says and she nods)

With hope and the devil

The devil: I'm surprised you managed to get past the first round (says)

Hope: well maybe you just don't know me that well what's next (ask)

The devil: you have to kill them to get to the top (says and shows her)

Hope: what no ill trigger my werewolf side (says not agreeing to this)

The devil: you have to if you want to get back to your family (says)

Hope: no I am not doing that I'm only 13 years old it's too early to trigger my werewolf side and you know it (says)

The devil: then I guess you're stuck down here with me and like I remind you before an hour in here is like a day out there but a whole day here is a whole year out there (says)

Hope: I am not doing that (says)

The devil: suit yourself (says and soon the people starting running towards hope)

Hope: what did you do (says backing up)

The devil: you do this test whether you like it or not hope (says) and judging by those people there they're not going to go easy on you they will not stop until you're dead so I advise you to protect yourself

Hope: I can stop them with the spell I'm a witch ( says)

The devil: witch magic doesn't work here if you were a demon like your dear sister you would have an advantage that's why I chose you (says)

Hope: of course you did (says and soon started running)

Later on, hope hid somewhere as the people slowly walk past her, she sighed in relief she turn around only to see one of them in front of her she fell to the ground backing up

She tried to look for something that would help her but nothing everything was on fire

Hope: (come on hope think of something that doesn't involve killing someone)

The devil: the more you waste your time the more you won't see your family (says)

Hope: I am not killing no one (says and soon someone jumped on her)

The devil: they say otherwise (says)

Hope tried to push them off but it was no use

The devil: let's make this a little easier for you (says and throws her a knife)

Hope: no

The devil: my God you are stubborn (says and sits down in his throne)

Hope: uhhh (says trying to hold on)

The devil: if I were you I would pick up the knife hope (says)

Hope:(looks at the knife and thought about it, she grabbed the knife and killed them)

She soon killed all of them before falling back breathing heavily

The devil: impressive you're a natural-born killer (says)

Hope: shut up (says and soon felt pain in her body, she looked up and her eyes glowed golf

The devil: you know hope instead of trying to stop something you should embrace it you were born to be werewolf a witch and a vampire (says and she looks at him)

She was never going to get out of here and even if she did she wouldn't be the same

Back on earth

Ruby was sitting in the kitchen when mason came in

Mason: you know you never told me what happened in hell (says and sit next to her)

Ruby: everything happened so fast (says) it was the first time I went there so you know I wasn't made in hell I was born on earth

Mason: ruby (says and she looks at him)

Ruby: he tortured me physical and emotional (says)

Mason:(eyes widen) What

Ruby: but I'm sure he's not doing that to Hope besides he would never do that to a 13 year old.... can he (says questioning what she said)

Mason: we need to get her out NOW (says)

Ruby: I'm sure hope can handle herself

Mason: she's freaking thirteen-year-old Ruby she only has which magic that doesn't work in hell I do not want her to trigger her werewolf side or trigger her vampire side she's too young she has so much to live up to before she reached that level (says)

Ruby: you don't think I know that I don't want a miracle or hope to do something they'll regret that will hurt them I want them to be happy but I can't get her out until I'm strong enough please mason (says)

Mason:( looks at her before sighing) fine I'll take your word on it

Ruby: thank you (says and he leaves)

Ruby sighing before thinking, I hope i do find a way to get hope back, she says before going to bed

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