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June 26, 2028- hayley was in her restroom, she just got done taking a bath she put her shirt on and looked at her back to see that her Crescent Mark was no longer there

Mason came in to see her staring at her back, he sighs and walks up to her

Mason: are you okay (ask)

Hayley: it's been two weeks since I lost my Mark...my werewolf side i don't know who I am anymore (says)

Mason: you are still the woman you were before I may not be able to get your Crescent mark back but we will try to get your werewolf side (says and she turns to him)

Mason: you are still the woman you were before I may not be able to get your Crescent mark back but we will try to get your werewolf side (says and she turns to him)

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She looked at him before looking down he kissed her head and she laid in his chest

She looked at him before looking down he kissed her head and she laid in his chest

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Mason: hayley we shouldn't-( starts)

Hayley: please Mason I need this (says) we may not be on good terms but I need you right now

Mason:(sighs) fine

As soon as he said that she kissed him on the lips, she jumps on his lap as he pinned her to the wall closing the bathroom door and locked it for the next few hours

Hope was in her room studying when she heard loud noises and she gagged

Hope: oh my God I do not need to hear this (says, she was about to silence her room when she heard knocking on the door)

She got up and head down stairs she opened the door to see none other than her auntie Bella and her cousin Andrea

Hope: auntie bella, andrea hi (says and hugs them) what are you guys doing here

Bella: we came to visit we heard what happened are you guys okay (ask)

Hope: yeah we're grieving come in (says and they came in)

Bella: well you guys go hang out with each other I got to go talk to your parents (says and  was about to leave when hope stopped her)

Hope: I wouldn't do that if I were you (says)

Bella: why what's wrong (ask)

Hope: trust me they are doing something that you would not unhear again (says and bella's eyes widened)

Bella: oh oh okay I guess we can wait (says and soon miracle came down)

Miracle: Auntie Bella Andrea (says and hugs them) it's nice to see you again

Andrea: you too (says) you okay

Miracle: yeah we are good it's just been really hard these days (says) why don't I show you guys around a lot of things have just changed over the last few years

Bella: sure (says and they leave with miracle)

Hope: and I better go try and stop mom and dad without being traumatized for the next few years (says and leaves)

Hayley was laying on Mason's chest, Mason was laying his head on her head moving the hair off her face he turned her and looked at her

Hayley: mm what

Mason: nothing just admiring your beauty (says and she smiles)


Mom, dad auntie bella is here to see you

The two scrambled up fast putting their clothes on they open the door to see their daughter hope standing there

Hayley: oh what's up

Hope: auntie bella and andrea is here (says)

Hayley: oh mm (says and leaves, hope looked at her dad)

Hope: you okay

Mason: yeah mm you didn't by any chance hea-(ask)

Hope: I did and I'm going to pretend I didn't (says and he nods)

Mason: well I better go call someone do you later (says and she nods and leaves)

Mason grab this phone before calling someone

Mason: hey Damon can I ask a favor (says)

With tyler who made into town he was at the grave where Chloe was buried

Tyler: hello Chloe I know it's been almost three years since the day you died, but I missed you and I have to come here knowing the risk of hurting my family me going to be isolated across the world away from my family because of this curse and I don't know if I can live without you i love you chloe and I hope that you're watching over me

He says before leaving a flower on her grave and walked away

With ruby and jace in new york

Jace: hey you ok (ask)

Ruby: I just found out my mom is dead I should have been there

Jace: hey it's not your fault whatever is going on in New Jersey is none of your concern

Ruby: they're my family jace I lost my mother I'm not about to lose anyone else in my family so I'm going to be leaving (says)

Jace: ruby (says trying to stop her)

Ruby: stop it you say you want to be with me but being with me requires caring about the rest of my family you take me you take us all (says)

Jace:(sighs) I'm trying to keep you safe that's all I want

Ruby: I don't need your protection I've been alive way longer than you have I know how to take care of myself now if you do not want to help me get the hell out of my way (says and turns around leaving)

Jace sighs watching her leave, with mason on the phone with Damon

Damon: you want me to find someone to help you turn Hayley back into a hybrid

Mason: yes I would appreciate it if you find someone we're all out of ideas over here (says)

Damon: well I do have a friend who might help you starting with the letter b

Mason: Bonnie Bennett when will she be coming ( ask)

Damon: as soon as possible if I get my wife to persuade her into helping you right now she has a life of her own

Mason: yeah I don't want her to miss out whatever's going on in her life to come help us but call me whenever she agrees (says)

Damon: sure thing call you (says)

Mason: call you then (says) I hope this is the way (says before heading out)

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