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February 3, 2021- so when is this friend of yours going to get here (ask hayley who was sitting on the couch)

Mason: soon he had to drive all the way from New York to Mystic Falls to go get it (says)

Elizabeth: I guess he must be a real friend since he's doing all of that extra (says) what kind of Supernatural is he

Mason: he's human (says) he used to be a vampire but he took the human cure

Tyler: let me guess it's someone from the Gang (ask and he nods) great

Soon a hybrid came in

Hybrid: you have a visitor should I let him in

Mason: yes please do (says, the hybrid leaves and someone came in)

Man: mason Callisto (says smirking)

Mason: damon Salvatore (says and hugs him) how is life treating you

Damon: good complicated but good Elena has been helping me how to be human again even though it's been two years (says) I have a daughter

Mason: oh what's her name (ask)

Damon: Stefanie (says) after Stefan

Mason: how is stefan doing (ask)

Damon: he died in 2018 there was a Hellfire and he sacrificed himself to save the town

Mason: no no I am so sorry I wish I was there to help but me and my family have our own problems

Damon: no it's okay he would want all of us to be happy (says) so why don't you introduce me to your family

Mason: oh yeah well everyone this is Damon Salvatore Damon this is Elizabeth my mother Cole my brother Tyler-(says)

Damon: Tyler Lockwood as I live and breathe where the hell have you been

Tyler: I've been kicking ass for the past few years after my mom died I left Mystic Falls and learned that I had other family relative alive turns out I'm related to Mason and his family (says and he nods)

Mason: and this is my wife Hayley (says)

Damon: you (points) you're that traitor in Mystic Falls

Hayley: yes damon and I'm not proud of what I did (says)

Damon: how did you two end up together (ask)

Mason: you can thank Klaus for that he tried to kill Hayley a friend of mine from New Orleans called me I protected Hayley and her daughter hope a week of keeping her safe I knocked her up we had a baby and so far on she's been with us ever since (says) 8 years to be exact

Damon: huh well I brought the sword you were looking for (says and shows them)

Mason: this is perfect thank you Damon (says)

Damon: no problem uh you didn't really tell me why you need it for (ask)

Mason: long story short we have a evil spirit trying to kill us and this is the only thing to stop her (says)

Damon: you know what I don't even Want to know what's going on here (says)

Hayley: trust me it'll be best if you leave town things over here are way different and way more dangerous (says)

Damon: if I was a vampire I will be over here but I'm not and I have a family to get back to (says)

Mason: yeah and thanks for your help

Damon: no problem you were like a brother to me Mason to stefan to, I heard what you did years ago when he came into town

Mason: well when a friend needs my help I'm always here ( says)

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