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April 26, 2015- the past few hours Tyler did not sleep he just sat by chloe who was laying on the bed, he didn't stop crying

Mason and Elizabeth stand by the door not knowing what to do as they watch Tyler cry over chloe's dead body

Elizabeth:(sighs) what are we going to do... Chloe.. is dead friend (says)

Mason: we give her a funeral (says) somewhere close to the house so Tyler can visit her..where's ruby

Elizabeth: I don't know she's not answering the phone (says) Hayley is going to look for her now

Tyler: I think it's a good idea (says and the two looked at him) we can bury Chloe somewhere next to the house where she can be left in peace (says and they nod)

Then out of nowhere Chloe shot up breathing violently

The three of them looked shocked as Chloe was looking around in shock

Chloe: what's going on what happened to me (says holing her neck)

Tyler: Aisha kill you.. in front of us... how are you alive (says)

Mason:( walks to chloe looking at her) she's in transition to become a vampire (says)

With hayley who was knocking on jace's door, she heard laughing in the house Hayley broke the door handle and went in

When she went and she did not expect to see a naked ruby and jace laying on the couch

Ruby: hayley what the hell (says as the two covered their selfs)

Jace: hayley (says)

Hayley: I am so sorry to interrupt your little party but ruby haven't you been answering your phone at all

Ruby: why what's going on

Hayley: Chloe is dead (says and the two stopped)

Jace: what( says he uses superspeed to put his clothes on and stand in front of Hayley) what do you mean she's dead

Hayley: Aisha killed her in front of us yesterday (says) she's gone

Jace: no (says) where is everyone

Hayley: at the castle (says and he was gone)

Hayley and Ruby looked at each other Ruby went to put some clothes on and Hayley stand outside waiting for her which was a big mistake because out of nowhere  Hayley's neck was snapped alive, after Ruby got dress she went outside to see Hayley was nowhere to be found she thought Hayley went back to the castle so she went there, when she got there she saw a alive Chloe sitting on the couch with a blanket over her and holding a cup

Ruby: I thought hayley said she was dead

Jace: yeah (says as the two came in)

Mason: Aisha must have fed Chloe vampire blood and killed her turning her into a vampire right now she's in transition (says)

Jace: so she's okay (ask)

Mason: not really she's heartbroken she doesn't want to be a vampire and think she should die... Tyler's with her now (says) he's trying to convince her to finish the transition

Elizabeth: where were you anyway ruby (ask)

Jace: she was with me I asked her to do something and we must have lost track of time (says, Elizabeth looked at them unsurely before nodding)

Mason: where's hayley (ask)

Ruby: I thought she came back here (says)

Mason: no she didn't (says)

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