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July 14, 2013- jace hids somewhere after running away from ruby for the past 2 hours

Ruby: where the hell are you jace (says getting close)

Jace sighs when he heard she was gone, but he was dead wrong when she appeared in front of him he jumped back

Jace: please Ruby you can't possibly be mad it's in the past now you said it yourself

Ruby: that was before I found out you cheated on me this entire time and made me be a fool to believe that you actually loved me

Jace: I do love you Ruby I never stopped loving you

Ruby: liar (says and sat something on fire) what did I do to ever make you stop loving me

Jace: ruby I never-(got stop)

Ruby: answer the damn question jace (says)

Jace:(sighs) it was the night when we first had our first fight you didn't speak to me for weeks, sara was the one who's been keeping me company and I sort of fell in love with her, we would always sneak around hang out with each other and when me and you decided to get back together I felt so horrible I wanted to end things with Sara but I couldn't bring myself to and so we kept going in secret to the point that we wanted to rule the city

Ruby: so you thought it was okay to bring my father back to hunt us if me and my family didn't find a way to put my father did he would have killed us and you wouldn't even care

Jace: I wasn't trying to kill you I was just simply trying to run you out of town

Ruby: Yeah by bring back someone who did wanted to kill us did you get it through your thick skull about that (says angrily)

Jace: I'm sorry Ruby but things are different now I know I can't change what I did but I hope to make up for it

Ruby: go to hell jace (says)

Jace thought she was about to attack him again so he closed his eyes but he opened them to see that Ruby was gone he looked around before sighing

Back at the castle

Ruby packed all her things in a bag her mother came in and saw her

Elizabeth: Ruby where you going

Ruby: I'm leaving I can't handle what I just found out mom

Elizabeth: you don't have to go Ruby

Ruby: I have to Mom this town is a curse no matter what I do there's always something to break me I need to get away for awhile

Elizabeth:( looks down before looking at her daughter again) I understand I think it's best to go talk to everyone else and tell them goodbye before you leave

Ruby:( nods) I better go do that

She says and walks out the room, she saw mason and tyler

Ruby: hey guys

Tyler: hey are you okay

Ruby: yes I will be once I get out of town

Mason: wait you're leaving

Ruby: yes I have to after finding out about the cheating I decided it's time for me to go

Mason: are you sure you can't stay here for a little while intil the baby's here there's still a threat going on

Ruby: that you guys can handle, right now its time for me to focus on myself again I've been here for five months and there is so much drama going on here that I need to get away from

Tyler: tell me about it I hope you have safe travels wherever you're going

Ruby: thanks and I promise to write or to call (says)

Mason:( smiled sadly and hugs ruby) I'm going to miss you Ruby

Ruby: come on Mason we always separate a lot we know that we will see each other again

Ruby: I know and it feels weird our lives are changing due to this baby

Ruby: speaking of baby I should really go see Hayley and tell her goodbye so she doesn't feel like I abandoned her and the child (says he nods)

Mason: and now that everyone knows about me and Chloe I should really go talk to her (says, she nods and he leaves)

With hayley in the background, ruby came up beside her

Ruby: hey Hayley

Hayley: hey

Ruby: I came here to say goodbye

Hayley: what's where are you going

Ruby: I don't know where just somewhere away from here after what happens I feel like I can't live with myself and I feel like that I need to get away from all the drama

Hayley: who can blame you, you just found out the love of your life cheated on you and I just found out the love of my life is screwing around with a human

Ruby: the love of your life (says looking at her smirking alittle)

Hayely: fine I'm admitting to be in love with Mason is that so hard and now I feel like that I can't be with him because he's with Chloe

Ruby: well between me and you I know for the fact that him and Chloe will not last trust me you just need to be there for him

Hayley: Maybe

Ruby: it was nice knowing you Hayley and make sure to tell that little one that her Auntie loves her very much and wish that she would be there for her and tell hope that one day her auntie will see her again (says and hayley smiles)

Hayley turns to see Ruby gone, Hayley smiles again before heading back inside as she was walking but she saw Mason and Chloe kissing Hayley didn't want them to see her so she ran back inside after she got done taking care of hope she went back to her room, she took a shower and got dressed before heading to bed slowly crying herself to sleep

With Elizabeth walking down the street she was thinking to herself but she stopped dead in her tracks to see someone 20 feet in front of her

Elizabeth: who the hell are you

Cole: I'm surprised you don't know me then again we never even met

Elizabeth: oh my God you're Cole

Cole: hello Mother (smiles)

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