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March 23, 2026- Hayley was sitting next to her daughter Miracle who was still sleeping it has been 2 weeks since they put her to sleep to try and find a way to get Safari out of her

With the family downstairs

Ruby: I found a way but this is a long shot (says)

Tyler: what is it (ask)

Ruby: before I had to tell you do you want to do it to save Miracles life (says)

Mason: it all depends on what you're trying to ask (says)

Ruby: I was thinking why not put Safari's magic in each one of us we can keep her power weaken if we separate (says)

Elizabeth: how is that a solution you're asking us to carry around her magic

Ruby: it's enough for her to not control any of us right now Miracle has all of her magic that's why Safari Is possessing her time and time again but if each of us have a piece of her magic nothing but there's a cost

Mason: of course it is (says)

Ruby: we have to stay away from miracle (says)

Mason: no no I'm not doing that I miss literally half of my daughter's life I'm not about to miss her other half

Ruby: we have no choice Mason this is killing her slowly we need to do something now or you'll lose your daughter forever (says)

Elizabeth: okay so who's all going to carry her magic

Ruby: well she's attacking our blood so me Mason Tyler you and Cole

Mason: cole's not even here what makes you think he will want some psychotic Spirit in his body (says)

Because she told me

They all turned around to see cole standing there

Elizabeth: cole (says and hugs him) how are you

Cole: I'm great me and Cora are engaged now (says)

Tyler: congratulations man (says)

Cole: thanks but right now my niece needs our help (says) so do you know how to do this

Ruby: yes I found the proper ingredients to split up her magic (says) but remember we all have to stay away from each other away from the city away from Miracle Or we'll be bringing death to every child in the City

Mason: fine let's get this over with (says)

Hayley was holding Miracle putting her in the circle laying her down she took the magic chains off of her

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Hayley was holding Miracle putting her in the circle laying her down she took the magic chains off of her

Hayley: are you sure you guys want to do this (ask)

Mason: we have no choice (says) where is Hope

Hayley: I had her stay in her room (says and he nods)

Mason: are you guys ready for this (ask and they nod)

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