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June 6, 2028- at Salvatore School a fourteen-year-old miracle was walking down the hallway she look to make sure no one was following her, she saw the person she was looking for a walked up to them

Miracle: hey Miguel (says)

Miguel: hey did you bring it (ask and she nods)

Miracle:( takes it out) here now remember take one before and take one after ok(says and he nods)

He gave her the money and she takes it giving him her blood

Miguel: are you sure this will work (ask)

Miracle: promise (says and the two went their own separate ways)

Miguel drink a vial of Miracles blood, he called his phone

Its me leave a message ( beeps)

Miguel: hey Mom you're going to get a call later I just want you to know that there's nothing you could have done (says and shut the phone off)

He opens the door to the window he climbs over the balcony before he fell down killing himself

He opens the door to the window he climbs over the balcony before he fell down killing himself

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Miracle was studying in her books when she heard a knock on the door

Miracle: come in (says and someone opened the door, she stand up) Mr. William what's up

Mr.William: mr. Saltzman want to see you it's about Miguel Turner (says)

Miracle: is, um, Mr Saltzman calling my mom (ask)

Mr.William: that and he thinks your Dad should know what you've been up to (says)

Miracle:(chuckles alittle) yeah good luck finding him

Mr.William: pack your bags Miracle you're going home (says and leaves)

Miracles sat back down at her desk and started texting on her phone before writing again

In New Jersey hayley was sitting in the bar with drinking scotch it's been two years since the family all split ways everyone left jace went with ruby, hope with mason so it was just her and miracle in town

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In New Jersey hayley was sitting in the bar with drinking scotch it's been two years since the family all split ways everyone left jace went with ruby, hope with mason so it was just her and miracle in town

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