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April 14, 2013- jace was sitting in his office looking through some papers to improve the city when he heard a knock on the door he looked up to see one of his closest allies

Jace: yes Nick how can I help you

Nick: well there's something you should know

Jace: what is it what's going on (ask looking at him)

Nick: I think I may have found the reason why the Callisto of family are in town

Jace: what do you mean they say they're here on the family business and will be staying here for a while

Nick: and I think I found out what that family business is

Jace: what do you.. what is it (ask)

Nick: it involves a werewolf

Jace: what's a werewolf is in town they know the rules

Nick: that's the thing this one doesn't she's new here she's a crescent wolf from New Orleans she has involved herself in dangerous situations and she is now caught up with this family

Jace: what does her business Got to Do With them (ask)

Nick: do you know a girl by the name Hayley Marshall

Jace: the famous Hayley Marshall the mother of klaus's child and one of the hybrids (says and nick nods) yes why

Nick: this werewolf is her or hybrid

Jace: if she's here than the mikaelsons aren't far behind

Nick: that's the thing they're not infact they don't even know she's here she's been with the family since they got here well a week before they got here

Jace: I don't understand what is she in all of this (ask)

Nick: she's pregnant jace and the one who Father's it is your so-called best friend Mason

Jace: what that's impossible (says standing up)

Nick: is it Mason is a hybrid so is Klaus who was able to procreate it wasn't long for Mason to also do the same and I fear this baby will overthrow you

Jace: ( looks at him before starting laughing) I'm sorry you think I'm supposed to be scared of a baby, I love you man but a child cannot overthrow me

Nick: you don't understand man this baby is part demon, part werewolf, part Vampire part whatever it is heck it could be also part witch this child is a mystery and a demon was in town a few months ago and left disappeared when they found out the baby was half-demon they ran away, what kind of demon runs away from a unborn fetus unless this fetus is powerful

Jace: it's impossible to be all three species nick

Nick: tell it to Hayley's daughter you know the child who is currently living in the callisto's household who is soon to be the older sister to this mystery baby she's literally half werewolf half vampire and half witch there's no telling what the second child will be, it will be the death of us all we need to get them out of town now before it's too late (says and jace looks at him before thinking)

Jace: gather all the vampires in the city we're going to pay this family a little visit to their house and meet all the family members (says and smirks)

With the family a 2 months almost 3 months pregnant Hayley was sitting on the couch with Hope on the floor in front of her playing with her toys Mason was across from her on the other couch looking through books Elizabeth was in the kitchen making some food for Hope and Hayley Ruby was in her bedroom organizing while Tyler was looking at the TV when they heard a big boom outside

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