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February 7, 2026- 5 years later with hope and Miracle at the Salvatore boarding school in class

Teacher: now someone tell me are demons real yes or no (says as most of the class raised their hand up on the other hand Hope was writing in her grimoire, the teacher saw it) miss hope marshall would you care to answer

Hope: yes demons are real (says simply)

Teacher: wrong there may be a lot of creatures but demons do not exist (says and some of the people in the class started laughing)

Hope: no I'm pretty sure I'm right demons are real

Teacher: and how do you know (says and hope didnt say anything) exactly now will everyone turn to page 58

Hope: bruciare (says and the teacher papers were on fire the teacher started to panic she tried using her magic to stop the fire but hopes magic was too strong which was difficult for her to put out the fire but she managed to and turn to hope)

Teacher: go to the principal's office (says telling the 13 year old)

Hope simply got up and left, hope didn't go to the principal's office but instead went to her dorm room to stay there until class was over it was soon much time she went to the cafeteria got her food and sat down at a table a group of people came up to her

Witch: well well well if it isn't the loner girl what's next you're going to say non-existent creatures are real (says and everyone laughs) everyone knows demons aren't real

Hope: believe what you want to believe my answer stays the same (says eating)

Second witch: I bet she's trying to get attention maybe that's why her dad left he was ashamed of her (says and hope got up)

Hope: you know maybe you should really mind your business you might not know who you're messing with (says)

Witch: you really think we're scared of you you're just a little 13 year old girl who has nothing better to do with her life

Hope: and you're just sorry seventeen-year-old who is picking on a child because you can't stand up to your own age so you decided to pick on a defenseless child to make you look tough but in reality you're weak like a plastic fork ( says) now if you excuse me I actually have a life take it back to

She says and leaves leaving four teenage girls angry, with mason all the way in New York City, mason was killing his enemies all across town he was on a roof piling the bodies up in a stack before burning them

I missed that

Mason turned around to see Damon Salvatore standing there

Mason: Damon what are you doing

Damon: come on Mason I live in this city you know (says)

Mason: well you should be happy that I killed most of the vampires here you know with your reputation and all your family can live in peace (says)

Damon: my family was already in peace you killed vampires who most likely will bring more vampires into town (says)

Mason: they're my enemies Damon I chose to leave my family I need to keep my daughter's safe and being away from them will help that (says)

Damon: right your family called and told me you went dark (says) heck even little hope called me asking have I seen you so has miracle

Mason: it's better if they stay away from me (says)

Damon: no child is better away from their father Mason I have two kids.. one on the way I am willing to protect my kids by being near them not away from them (says) and let's be honest so you left the family because of what happened with Hayley

Mason: how did you know (says)

Damon: Tyler told me

Mason: I thought you two didn't like each other

Damon: we don't but we came to some sort of agreement (says) your daughters are going through a hard time at school especially hope who has been bullied

Mason: what.. who has been bullying her and for what (says)

Damon:(looks at him) they've been bullying her saying that her father abandoned her and that she was weak and a loner ( says)

Mason: did hope say this (ask)

Damon: her best friend Josie has... hope wouldn't talk to anyone so Josie told us what was going on (says)

Mason: and who is this Josie (ask)

Damon: she'd caroline and alaric's daughter (says and mason looks at him)

Mason: of course she is who's better than to get close to my daughters then my ex-girlfriend's child (says)

Damon: hey Josie is not using hope to get to you they're just two innocent children besides I don't think Caroline would tell her daughter's about you (says)

Mason: right sorry I'm paranoid (says) how old is she

Damon: she is 11 years old about to be 12 next month (says)

Mason: mmm well tell my family not to worry I'm fine and that one day I will come back Just not now (says and he was gone)

Damon sighs before leaving, back at the Salvatore's School

Hope was heading outside when someone speed next to her

Hope: what are you doing here Austin (says looking at him)

Austin: I just wanted to see how you were doing (ask) judging what happened in class

Hope:(blushes) you shouldn't have to worry about me

Austin: I care about you hope (says) no matter if you hated I'm always here for you

Hope: thanks (says)

Austin: well I better head on to bed see you tomorrow

Hope: see you tomorrow (says and watched the vampire speed away)

Hope went outside to get some fresh air what she didn't know was that someone was behind her and out of nowhere she was knocked out

Hope woke up to feel heat everywhere, she got up and looked around and she did she tripped on something she turned around to see Bones, she then saw dead well alive people on the ground with some of their bones showing from their body

Hope:( screams)

How did you like about Mason and Damon reuniting again?

Do you know where hope went to and how would her family react to her being missing?

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