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October 29, 2013- shouldn't the baby have come by now

Says hayley who was getting dress into funeral clothes for Chloe's mom's funeral

Elizabeth: you should have been when I was pregnant with Ruby I had a normal pregnancy except I had to keep her for a two to three weeks in my nine months

Hayley: so what my pregnancy is going to be delayed because of the demon blood

Elizabeth: it seems that way (says)

Hayley: so I'm going to be pregnant for almost a year (Elizabeth nods and hayley sighs) but she's bound to want to come out right

Elizabeth: uhhh you could say that but then again demon babies are very picky (says and hayley rolled her eyes)

Hayley: well we better get to this funeral I can at least try and be nice to Chloe for mason (says)

Elizabeth: I love how you're trying to make yourself miserable to make Mason happy

Hayley: you have no idea (says and turns) how do I look

Elizabeth: beautiful (says smiling)

Hayley: okay is Tyler stay here with hope (ask and Elizabeth nods) okay good let's go

She says and they head out/ at the funeral the family and the town were all walking in the street to honor Chloe's mother who was real famous in town years ago

Mason: it was nice for you guys to join us for Chloe's mother's funeral

Elizabeth: it's no problem Tyler wishes he was here but he has to stay and watch hope

Mason: he could have took hope with him (says)

Hayley: Cole is out on the loose and I don't pretty much trust hope in public anymore until he's caught


Hayley: so how is Chloe doing

Mason: she's hanging on she's putting a brave smile on her face but I Can Tell She's broken

Hayley: I can't imagine what it's like to lose a mother I mean I don't even know where my parents are, not even sure if they're alive or dead (says)

Mason: we all have someone we lost the most important thing is to do is to move on and hope for the best (says and hayley smiles) so Hayley how is the baby doing so far

Hayley: well she has aggressive kicks and I wish she can come out now since I'm way overdue

Mason: well Hayley you are the first werewolf to ever carry a demon child besides my mother so we don't know how your pregnancy will react (says)

Hayley: yeah I'll be back (says and walks away, she slowed down and felt really weird she then started coughing she kept coughing and soon spit out blood, she looked at the blood and cough more before falling down)

Mason: hayley (says and runs to her)

They took Hayley back to the castle and lay her on the couch

Tyler: what's wrong with her (says holding hope)

Elizabeth: we all know she just spit it out blood and fell down to the ground

Mason: this blood is black this is Demon blood (says)

Elizabeth: we need a witch to woke her up

Mason: cara go get her now (says and Elizabeth was gone, Mason bit his arm and put his blood in Hayley's mouth but she didn't do any response) come on

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