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June 29, 2028- thanks for coming again Bella (says hayley who was guiding Bella and Andrea out the door)

Bella: of course and I'm sorry I missed the if I would have known I would have came (says)

Hayley: again you don't need to apologize everything is good (says)

Bella: I know but I feel bad you guys been there for me in my time of need I should have been there for you

Hayley: that's because you have our own life and we have ours we cant expect you to come help us every single time we get into trouble you have a daughter to take care of (says and bella smiles)

Bella: I guess you're right then I guess I'll see you guys around (says)

Hayley: of course bye (says)

Bella: bye (says and she leaves with andrea)

Hayley was about to close the door when someone said something

I hope im not to late

Hayley turn around to see a woman standing there

Hayley: who the hell are you (ask)

Woman: my name is Bonnie Bennett I got a call from Damon telling me you guys need help (says and hayley looks at her)


Mason: Bonnie Bennett it's good to see you again (says and hugs her)

Bonnie: I see you been busy (says smiling) for the last 16 years since I saw you (says looking at a photo of Mason and Hayley with their daughters

Mason: yeah I should have and thanks for coming when I needed help

Bonnie: no problem (says)

Hayley: and what is she helping us with exactly (ask)

Mason: find a solution to get your werewolf side back (says and hayley's eyes widened)

Bonnie: yes I'm here to help any way I can and besides what I'm about to tell you is not going to be pretty (says and they looked at her)


What do you mean I have to die (says mason, the three were all in the Library)

Bonnie: you heard me they bound your life to hers or her werewolf side if you die it'll come back but I know there's a loophole somewhere we just have to find it

Hayley: the great so pretty much everything we do involves one of us getting killed (says) I'll just learn to live like a vampire

Mason: no Hayley you deserve to be who you are I am not about to have something you love the most be taken away from you and you're just giving up (says)

Hayley: well what else are we supposed to do you have to die in order for me to come back as a Hybrid (says) and besides there are other things we have to worry about

Bonnie: oh yeah Damon told me all about Safari and I think I can help

Mason: what do you mean (ask as they looked at her)

Bonnie: why don't you put her magic in an object trapping her there so she won't get into anyone else (says)

The two looked at her stupidly

Hayley: we spent seven years trying to put her down when literally a 35 year-old already came up with a solution (says as mason looks at her) I guess they were right about you Bonnie Bennett you do come up with every solution (says and bonnie smiles)

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