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August 16, 2014- a week later the family was all having a morning breakfast together all laughing Hayley was feeding miracle while mason was feeding hope, that moment of Joy didn't last long when they heard noises in the living room

They all got up Mason told the girls to stay put while him and Tyler go see what was going on, they went into the living room to see a silver plate covered and a note

Mason: (picked up the note and read it)

Hayley: what's going on (says as she was holding the girls)

Hayley didn't get a response when Mason picked up the silver plate and saw a head everyone jumped, the head roll down the floor

Ruby: who would do that (ask)

Mason: our unfriendly neighbor the sirens (says and gives his mother the note)

Elizabeth: you have until sundown to bring the child, we will have that baby one way or another or everyone you love will die ( says)

Hayley: do you really think they would start killing people (ask)

Tyler: they proven before but we're better (says)

Mason: for now just ignore it (says and they all nodded not sure what to say)

Later on they were all enjoying their day when jace came in holding cora and they were completely wet

Mason: what the hell happened to you

Jace: you telling me you don't know what's going on (says)

Hayley: what are you talkin about

Cora: the sirens are flooding the city they're taking over we managed to get out but everyone's dying out

Mason: what (says and goes to the balcony with everyone following to see the city getting flooded slowly Water Rising)

Ruby: oh my God (says)

Tyler: they were really serious (says)

Mason: that's it we're leaving ( says and speeds away and starts packing)

Jace: wait you want to leave

Mason: they are literally about to flood the city how do you think we're supposed to stop them (says) and besides I need to go the New York

Elizabeth: for what (ask)

Mason: there's a witch in New York who knows how to stop them Marcel told me I need to go find them (says)

Hayley: then we're coming with you

Mason: no you can't (says and they all looked at him) some of you should go with me and maybe some of you should go somewhere else we need to split up if we be together they'll find us easily

Ruby: Mason's right if we leave together we'll put a Target on our back mom and I will go with Hayley and miracle

Mason: okay I will take hope and tyler (says)

Tyler: wait what about Chloe she's still at her house I need to go get her (says)

Mason: fine but hurry (says, he nods and leaves)

Jace: cora should go with you Mason

Cora: what, why (looks at him)

Jace: because you need to be safe I'll stay behind and see what I can do, (says and looks at mason) you take cora out of here

Mason nods as the family all came with their things

Mason: lets get to the car and go before they flood our streets and trap us here (says, they all started putting their things in the car Hayley made sure the girls were strapped in their car seat)

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