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June 12, 2028- mason was now laying in a coffin he heard someone and he moved his eyes to see that it was jace coming in

Jace: I told you to calm yourself Mason and look where it got you (says as mason looked at him)

Mason: why....are....you...here ( says managing to form up some words because of the spell holding him)

Jace: I think I found out who took Hayley (says and mason's eye's widened) but I'm asking you can you control yourself until we find her and that you do not go on a killing spree

Mason: i..cant...promise...that (says)

Jace: then I guess you're going to be stuck here for a while (says) and we both know you do not like that

Mason:(thinks about it) fine

Jace: great I'll have Harry come down here and break the spell meet me at the castle (says and leaves)

Soon jace saw mason walking in, jace smiles but stops when mason grabs his throat but since jace became an upgrade he was alittle stronger than him and he pushed mason off

Jace: look I get that you're mad but (says) it was the only way to stop you

Mason: what stopping me from doing what I need to do to find my wife (says)

Jace: do you think Hayley will be happy knowing the fact that you murdered pretty much a lot of people in town just to find her, and your daughters may be out of town right now but what would happen if they find out what you're doing

Mason: hey we knew what she was getting herself into when she married me (says)

Jace: but things have changed years has gone by it may have been easy back then because your daughters were too young to understand but now they're old enough to know what is wrong (says)

Mason: whatever where is this so-called person you claim that knows where Hayley is (ask)

Jace: she's in the cells (says and mason was gone)

He followed Mason to see him standing in front of the woman

Mason: who are you (ask)

Woman: my name is Madison Gray (says)

Mason: where is Hayley (ask)

Madison: she is somewhere safe for now (says and they looked at her)

Madison: she is somewhere safe for now (says and they looked at her)

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You want to do what

Elizabeth: we have no other choice hope people will keep coming after her if we do not bound her (says)

Hope: you want to take away her werewolf side it's a part of her just like it's a part of me (says) and besides isn't she like the future Alpha of the pack she wouldn't exactly be the leader if she doesn't have to werewolf side (says)

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