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March 2, 2021- it's been 3 days since Mason was taken by safari three weeks since the family has been looking for Mason, Hayley has taking her anger out on innocent people and comes home to her daughter's with a fake expression on her face so they don't worry

With hayley in town at night snapping someone's neck

Sam: hayley stop (says)

Hayley: leave me alone Sam (says) go away let me kill in peace

Sam: Hayley please think of the girls what would they say about you doing this ( says)

Hayley: shut up sam I'm falling apart like last time he was taken from me the last time I had to raise my daughter's for 5 years alone

Sam: and I helped you through it Hayley let me help you now

Hayley: but you can't sam I was already four years doing things on my own before you came I can handle myself and you know what I'm done when Mason gets back I'm going to tell him what we did together

Sam: maybe that's a good thing we can finally be together take the girls somewhere we can protect them

Hayley: we can't protect them Sam my daughter is part demon part witch species that I don't even know how to help her with she deserves to be with her family who does she deserves to be with her real family not you

Sam: hayley ( says)

Hayley: go away before I do something I'll regret (says)

Sam: Hayley (says)

Hayley: go away (says, he looks at her before leaving, hayley started crying)

With mason who was screaming, safari then stopped

Mason: I will not have you take control of me so you can give up (says)

Safari: yes but I do have one more trick that I could try, it involves Hayley and Sam

Mason: what are you getting at I trust Hayley (says)

Safari: you won't trust her when you see this (says and grab his head and he screamed again)

with hayley who was walking in a bar, she got herself something to drink

What's a beautiful woman doing here alone in a bar

Hayley turns to see a guy

Hayley: just taking a break (says)

Guy: and that is (ask sitting next to her)

Hayley: family drama (says)

Guy: well I see we all have those these days (says) im sam

Hayley: my name is Hayley (says and smiles)

Soon later the two appeared into a hotel, sam slam the door behind them, hayley kissed him on the lip, sam ripped her clothes off and lays her down for the rest of the night

Mason: what is this (ask)

Safari: this is what your precious Hayley has been doing while you were in captivity she betrayed you the man you guys live with she screwed around with she probably still screwing around him to this day

Mason: you're lying she would never do that (says)

Safari: am I think about it she makes an excuse for Sam to stay with you saying he's important to Miracle when he's also very close to her (says)

Mason: no she wouldn't (says)

Safari: let the darkness in Mason get your revenge (says)

Mason: no no no (says slowly fading his eyes closed for a second and soon his hybrid face showed up) they're so dead

Safari:(smirks) go and have your revenge

She says and soon he was gone, she smirks and leaves

With the family hayley was heading home when she was slammed into a wall, she looked to see who it was and it was mason

Hayley: Mason what are you doing ( ask standing up)

Mason: you have a lot of nerve living in my home with the bastard you slept with (says)

Hayley: what are you talkin about (ask)

Mason: I know what you did last year Hayley how you and Sam met how you slept together my family we all could have been freed and less than five years but you added more to that because you were with Sam

Hayley: Mason I am so sorry I never wanted that to happen after it happened it never happened again please you have to believe me (says)

Sam: hayley (says coming out)

Mason:( angrily walk to him)

Hayley: mason please don't hurt him (says)

Mason: you still hold him at your highest steams don't you get it Haley I don't want to compete with your love with this loser

Sam: you mad because what me and Hayley had was real, real then you ever had with her don't you get it the moment you were captured that love died and she moved on with me

Mason:(throws him to the floor) why should I release my problems when I can just kill you all together

He says he was about to kill him when someone snapped his neck

Hayley: elizabeth

Elizabeth: don't Hayley you done enough (says and takes mason to the cellars and lock him out)

Hours later Mason woke up to see he was in the cells, mason sat there he heard someone come in and it was Hayley

Mason: get out of here (says)

Hayley: Mason please I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how and I was afraid of your reaction (says)

Mason: you sleep with him, have him stay in the house where my children sleeps have one of my daughters barely speak to me, talk to me she ignores me all because you let this sam in (says yelling)

Hayley: I never wanted this to happen (says)

Mason: get out of my face I don't even want to look at you (says)

She looked at him with tears in her eyes before leaving, miracle went inside to see mason, mason looked at her

Mason: miracle (says looking at her)

Miracle: hey (says)

Mason: that's the first word you ever said to me

Miracle: I'm sorry

Mason: for what (ask)

Miracle: for ignoring you, you didn't deserve that I should have been a better daughter (says)

Mason: you would never a bad daughter you just didn't trust me (says)

Miracle: I do think you would be worthy of being my father, the only reason I saw that In sam is because he was there for Mom, but you have been there for Mom way longer than he has so im sorry (says)

Mason: it's okay miracle (says and she smiles)

With the family

Harry: okay are we ready for this (says to the family) once I start to spell I cannot stop until safari is out of ruby got it

He says and they nod

Harry: then let's get to it (says and they all speed away to look for ruby)

Ruby: you really think you can stop me I'm way older than all of you combined (says)

Cole: not for long (says and soon harry started chanting)

Safari: no no (says and soon her soul was gone and into the sword)

Tyler: we did it (says)

Ruby: what the hell is going on (ask)

Elizabeth: welcome back Ruby (says)

Ruby: it's good to be back (says and she smiles)

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