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May 2, 2021- it's been almost three months since the family killed omega, Mason thought long and hard before he decided he was going to leave the city and Be on his own for a while and was going to leave as soon as possible

Mason packed up his things, he went around the castle to make sure he got all of his things that he needed, after he finished he grabbed his bags and was about to walk out the door when Hayley stopped him

Hayley: where are you going (ask walking up to him)

Mason:(turns to her) I can't stay here Hayley I need to clear on my head

Hayley: if this is about me and Sam I can get Sam to go away to give you space (says)

Mason: no Hayley I am not about to hurt Miracles feelings for my benefit I'm the one who need to go

Hayley: no you don't you're part of this family and the girls will need you

Mason: and I love the girls too but I need to get away from myself not for others (says) tell hope for me wishing her a happy birthday and that there's a gif on her bed

Hayley: please don't go (says slowly crying)

Mason: it's okay Hayley I'll be fine I just need to be on my own

Hayley: you're leaving because of me (says)

Mason: hayley (says and hugs her as she cries) you have to let me go hayley I know that you have feelings for sam and I won't get in the way of that you should be with him

Hayley: i i mas-(but he was gone) but I want you

With ruby who was also leaving town she was at jace's house

Jace: Ruby what are you doing here (ask)

Ruby: I'm leaving town and i wanted to ask if you want to come with me (says)

Jace: as much as I would love to i can't (says and she looks at him)

Ruby: you're still upset with me (says)

Jace: I'm not upset Ruby its just the town will need me and I can't protect it if I'm away with you (says)

Ruby:(looks down) so I guess this is goodbye then

Jace: only if you allow it to maybe one day I'll say yes

Ruby:( smiles at him sadly) well see you until next time

Jace: see you until next time ( says watching her get in her car and leave)

With hope and miracle who came from outside walked into hope's room

Miracle: what is that (ask looking at the gift that's on Hope's bed)

Hope: i don't know (says grabbing it and opening it)

There it was a empty grimoire book

Hope saw a note she picked it up and read it

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Hope saw a note she picked it up and read it

Dear hope

I hope you like the gift I gave you for your 9th birthday I know how much you love doing spells so I gave you your own personal spell book so you can write down all of the Spells you want I wish I was there for you and your sister personally to congratulate you on your birthday but there is some place that I have to be and I'm not sure when I will come back but I want you to know that I will always love you and your sister no matter what but don't be sad be there for each other especially your mother I know that things will be hard but I want you to know that I will always be there for you and I will return to you

I love you your dad


he girls were in tears their dad left and didn't even get to say goodbye to them in person, that was the Day miracle was finally accepting Mason as her father but it was too late she missed her chance

One thing for sure is the girls will live up to their father's promise and be the daughters that will make him proud

Around in August Hayley and the girls were in Mystic Falls at the Salvatore boarding school to enroll them in

Hayley and alaric were watching the girls talk to other kids

Hayley: I see they adapted to this place quickly (says)

Alaric: I think it's what they needed someone to hang around their own age besides each other and judging by all the crazy stuff that's happened in New Jersey I think they need a little break (says)

Hayley: yeah they need something to focus on besides their father leaving

Alaric: have you got any word from Mason (ask)

Hayley: no after he left he went dark no phone calls no message it's like he's nowhere to be found which he's really good at (says)

Alaric: you're worried about him

Hayley: why wouldn't I be he's the father of my girls I'm lost... without him just like I was lost those past 5 years (says)

Alaric: well don't worry things will get better for the girls sake (says and hayley smiles)

The girls waved at Hayley who waved back, Alaric and Hayley walked back into the building while the girls Chit Chat with the other students

Josie: so you're the new girls (says and they nod) I'm Josie... Josie Saltzman

Lizzie: and I'm Lizzie Saltzman and we are going to be best friends (says to miracle who smiled, the two walked away)

Josie: and I think we are going to be good friends too (says)

Hope: I can't wait (says) so what classes do they have here

Josie: pretty much everything all depends on what species you are (says and hope nods)

They continued talking and soon became good friends back in New Jersey in the bayou a woman walked out of the forest naked she smiled knowing exactly where she was she was finally free and alive

Woman: I'm finally free I'm coming for you each and everyone of you until all of your dead (says and started smiling in the night)

Who do you think is the mystery woman?

Do you think Mason will come back and have moved on from Hayley?

What will happen next?

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