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February 12, 2026- 2 Days Later mason was in new jersey, he was standing across the street from his family's household he got the courage to speed on in the living room where elizabeth, tyler and ruby was at

Tyler: mason (says looking at him)

Mason: I heard what happened (says)

Ruby: oh (says and hugs him) I see you came back to when I got a call from Hayley I came right back to New Jersey

Elizabeth: we're glad you're here Mason (says)

Mason: thanks Mom so what do we know (ask)

Ruby: well while you were gone I went to the school and retrace hope steps with magic and I think I found out where she is (says)

Mason: do you know where she is (ask)

Ruby: she's-


He turned around to see Hayley standing there

Mason: hi (says)

Hayley: you're back

Mason: well you called about hope being missing so I came back as fast as I can (says and she nods)

Ruby: like I was saying before I found out where hope is (says and they all looked at her) she's in hell

Mason: what do you mean she's in hell

Ruby I mean like she's actually in hell where I was for 5 years (says)

Hayley: why would she be there (says)

Ruby: I don't know but apparently someone sent her there I'm guessing it's the Devil Himself

Elizabeth: why would he want her (says)

Ruby: he probably wants payback for me leaving when Safari took over my body she knocked him out and he probably wants payback and he chose hope (says)

Hayley: but hope won't survive in hell (says)

Ruby: she won't but unfortunately if she Burns her body will heal her so it'll be like her being tortured by fire over and over again just the same as a vampire drowning over and over again (says)

Hayley: there's a high chance this devil will go after Miracle I'll call Sam to go pick her up (says)

Mason: I see you still hold Sam accountable (says simply)

Hayley:(looks at him) please don't do this especially when my daughter could be out there anywhere

Mason: no we split you deserve to date whoever the hell you want (says) now I'm going to go figure out how we can go into hell (says and leaves)

With hope who was standing at the starting line she was looking at the line board she knew that if she made one wrong step she would fall to who-knows-where

The devil: this is going to be fun are you ready for this (ask)

Hope: do I really have to do this

The devil: yes you do (says)

Hope: why me why have me follow in my aunt's footsteps when you tortured her

The devil: there's a difference I tortured her differently that I'm doing you with you, see you both have a age Gap and I did more you know with her and you're like 13 so I'll be doing things differently

Hope: oh my God you raped her you're sick (says)

The devil: hey a man has needs and I haven't had any for a thousands of years after I had my kids (says)

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