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January 6, 2021- 5 years ago ruby opened her eyes she looked around not knowing where she was, she got up and walked around she walked to the Edge her eyes widen when she realize where she was

Ruby: I'm in hell (says)

5 years later with the family

Bella: it's good to see you guys again (says) and sorry about ruby

Mason: it's okay Bella and it was also great to see you again how has life been treating you for these past five years (says)

Bella: well Hayley has been helping me stay under cover with my daughter and to safe to say is no one is coming after me they think I'm dead due to my history with the family and my pregnancy they probably think a vampire can't carry a werewolf child and that I and the baby could possibly be dead so I'm safe

Tyler: well I'm happy that you're finally where you need to be (says and she smiles)

Bella: me to... later on me and Andrea should be leaving soon so I better go get packed (says and leaves inside)

Cole: okay we need to leave go in hiding because there's a high chance that jace would come looking for us

Mason: I want to have a day with my daughters before we make them move from a home that they grew up in for 5 years (says)

Cole: we are a family of beacons of death I say we hit the road before people search this area (says)

Mason: one day the house is cloaked we weren't following and IM NOT ASKING (says but stopped to see hayley coming out with the girls and with sam following behind them)

Hayley: guys look who's awake (says)

Mason:( slowly walk to them)

Hope: DADDY (says running to him hugging him) I missed you so much Dad

Mason: I didn't really think you would remember me hope

Hope: of course I would remember you I still got the teddy bear Mommy gave me from you (says and he smiles)

Mason: well I hope he did more protecting you than I did (says joking and she smiles, he looked at miracle) hello miracle

Miracle:(looks at her mom) mom can we go play in the garden with Sam

Hayley: sure honey (says as she grabbed sam's hands)

Miracle: come on hope (says as they were waiting for her)

Hope: I'm good I will stay here with Dad ( says and mason smiles)

Miracle: suit yourself (says and the two leaves)

Everyone watch the two leave Mason looked at Hayley clearly upset, Hayley looked at him inhaling in some breath

Mason: hope why don't you go with your grandmother while I talk to your mother (says, she nods and went inside with Elizabeth, tyler and cole) care to explain why my own daughter doesn't even want to look at me

Hayley:(sighs) it's just weird to her you may have known her about two to three years but she doesn't know a thing about you now I tried to tell her all the good things about you but she thinks you abandon her and only sees the worst in you especially since she read the families book or some of it

Mason: what you let her read the book

Hayley: no I didn't she found it and hid it from me for quite a while (says)

Mason: how far did she get to it

Hayley: well since every chapter has a long writing of each year she's at chapter 6

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