Chapter 2

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"I’ll be back, I gotta go get some Advil from the bathroom, my head kills" Nate tells us. He walks away and looks back at me to make sure I’m coming. I give him a subtle nod and he keeps walking.

After about 5 minutes I decide it’s time for me to get up. “It’s really warm in here, I’m gonna go get some fresh air” I say. “Do you need anything? Water?” Sammy asks me.
“No, just fresh air.” The guys all look around at each other in suspicion. I get up and go outside to the deck. Nate is sitting under the umbrella that is on the table. I sit down next to him and he grabs my hand. “Listen, this is a bit unconventional for me. I normally just mess around with a girl for a few weeks and then we never speak again. I don’t know if you knew anything about me before today, but anyone who knows me, knows I’m not usually the relationship type. But when I look at you, I see something. I know this sounds insane seeing we just met, but I just feel it.”

My heart starts to race. Everything I’ve heard about Nate makes him seem kinda douchey but I don’t get that impression at all. I hope this isn’t some line he says to all the girls just to get them in bed. He seems different from everyone else I’ve been with.

"How does this sound, what if I take you out tomorrow night, and if you’re into me, then we see where this goes. If not, we leave it in the past and be friends." He pauses to let me answer. "That sounds really great Nate.. You seem like a really sweet guy and I’d love to get to know you" I reply. Nate grins widely. "I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 6. Text me your address and expect to see something in the morning when you wake up." "What do you mean by something?" "Don’t worry, you’ll love it." We stand up with our hands still interlocked. He takes that same hand of mine and brings it to his face and kisses it. "I’m going to sneak back into the house now, come back in 5 minutes." He parts from my hand and walks down the steps of the deck to the window he snuck out of. Nate looks back at me and smiles to me before reentering. My cheeks feel hot and I can tell I’ve been blushing.

I sit back down and I look at the backyard. I didn’t even notice we were on the beach because I was so focused on Nate. I can’t wait for tomorrow. I already know we’ll have the perfect night. I go back inside after a few minutes. All the guys look at me as soon as I walk. “You doing ok?” Matt asks me. “Yes, much better now, thank you.” I walk back to the living room and sit back down next to Nate. All the guys continue to stare at me except Matt who is looking at the tv. Nate appears to be upset. “Is everything ok in here? Did I miss something?” “Oh yes, everything’s fine, we were just getting worried about you out there” Jack replied. I can tell he’s BS’ing me. Everyone goes back to watching tv. Except Nate. He shakes his head at me. I don’t know what has happened in the past 5 minutes but I know it’s not good. 

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