Chapter 33

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"It's gonna be ok, Lucy. It's gonna be ok."

"Take me to the airport," I say softly through my tears.
"Lucy, no, it'll be for the best. I know it's hard to understand now but I promise." I start to kick my legs to get out of Jack's arms.
"If I have to take myself I will."
Jack sighs, "fine. But you have to tell Nate or else I will make sure you don't go anywhere."

How am I supposed to explain this to Nate? 'Oh Nate, I'm in love with your best friend too and I have to go stop him from leaving the state.' I'm sure that will go over well.

"I can't, Jack.."
Jack chuckles, "guess you aren't going anywhere then. I'll bring you to bed."

Jack makes his way inside and up the stairs. He goes to open Nate and I's room but I stop him, he understands. Instead he brings me back to Sammy's room and tucks me into his bed.

"Good night, Lucy. I'll be back in a little bit to check on you, if you aren't here I'm telling Nate what I saw."
I nod in agreement.

After he leaves I rip my phone out of my pocket and try to call Sammy. Straight to voicemail.

I'm trying not to cry but it's so hard not to. I should be the one leaving, not him. It's not right.

After a while I slowly fall asleep to the sound of my quiet sobs and the blaring music from down stairs.

When I wake up, I feel an arm around me. I can tell it's Nate's by the tattoos. I grab my phone and see it's already 10am and I have a Twitter message from Lia.

Hey! Want to meet at True Food Kitchen @ 12?

I quickly reply,

Sure! See u there!

I get up carefully, avoiding waking up Nate from his slumber. I go to our room and see that the drunken couple from last night has now left. I go to bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I apply a bb cream, bronzer, and mascara, and throw my hair up into a messy top knot. Then I get dressed in a flowy black cropped top, black ankle jeans, and some brown gladiator sandals.

I go back to Sammy's room to see Nate awake and on his phone.

"Hey lil mama," he says with a smile, "did you have fun last night?"

He has no idea what happened last night and for now, it's gonna stay that way.

"Eh it was ok.. I wasn't feeling well so I crashed early.."
"I'm sorry baby! Have you seen Sammy?"
I shake my head, "no, have you tried calling him?"
"No, I will right now.. What are you dressed up for?"
"I'm going out to lunch with a new friend in Santa Monica, I'll call you after, ok?"
Nate nods with a smile as he taps his cheek for a kiss. I run over and kiss his cheek quickly and then go downstairs.

It's already 11:15 so I leave, just in case I get lost.


I walk into True Food Kitchen and see Lia sitting at a table across the room. When she sees me she stands up and waves. When I get to the table we hug and greet each other before sitting down.

"How are you? I saw you go upstairs pretty early last night!" Lia exclaims.
"Not good.. After we talked things went down hill from there.."

The waitress comes over and takes our order. Then I recount the events of last night, and everything from before that, as Lia listens attentively.

"So yeah, now I don't know where Sammy is and I don't know how to explain this all to Nate..."
"Well," Lia sighs, "I understand why you're in such a tough situation. If I were in your position I probably would have fallen in love with both of them too! Do you love one of them more than the other?"

I honestly don't know.

"Well, when I'm with Nate, he makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the whole world. Like no one else matters except for me. But when I'm with Sammy, he makes me feel like that whole world is mine. He makes me feel alive. With Nate it's like swimming in the lake, but with Sammy it's like jumping off of a cliff into that lake."
"So with Nate, you feel safe. But with Sammy, you're living on the edge. He's a challenge. And every girl wants to feel both of those feelings in a guy."
I sigh, "exactly."

The waitress brings us our food and we start to eat.

"Can you see yourself in the future with one of them more than the other?"
"One day Sammy told me about what he wanted for the two of us. I remember his exact words actually.

We could get a big house, wherever you want. And we'll have two kids, a boy and a girl. And we'll be that couple all of our friends envy because we're the only couple who's actually happy in their marriage after 20 years. Come on y/n, just take the leap.

He said he would love me more than Nate ever could." I start to tear up, but I don't let myself cry.

Lia looks at me with her eyes wide, "damn." I nod.
"And Nate hasn't said anything like that before?"
I shake my head, "no.. he tends to think more about the present and less about the future. The only thing about his future that he's ever really talked about was with his music.."
"I think that says a lot.."


After lunch we decide to go get ice cream. We sit at a table outside of the ice cream place, it's looking a bit cloudy so hopefully it doesn't rain on us.

"I think you should text him. Ask him about the future."
I nod and text Nate,

What do you see in the future for us?

Nate responds immediately,

Why babe? Are you second guessing us?

-No, I just need to know

Well, I think we'll probably get married, and you'll come on the road with me, and just take life day by day, you know?

I show Lia the messages, "does knowing that information help with your decision?"

I feel a rain drop on my head and so I look up. I see lightning and hear thunder begin, and before we know it, it's full on down pouring. We say our goodbyes and run to our cars. I start driving straight to where I think I need to go.

AN: where on earth do you think she's going?

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