Chapter 17

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Nate and I stayed up for hours, just talking about everything. From our childhood memories, to our favorite movies, to our deepest secrets, we said it all. By the time we fell asleep, the sun was rising into a new day. I woke to my face in Nate's chest and his fingers brushing through my hair. I think he noticed I woke up because he stopped brushing through my hair. "Good morning beautiful.. Or should I say good afternoon" he says and we both giggle. "What time is it?" Nate looks at his watch and his eyes widen. "It is 4:43! Damn" I sit up quickly. "Fuck! I was supposed to be at an interview at 3! It's too late now!" "Interview for what?" "A job, I need income now that I can't rely on my parents for groceries and money for clothes." "Baby girl don't worry, you have me, and you don't need to worry about that with me." "Nate, just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I don't have to buy groceries!" He laughs. "That's not what I meant. What I mean is, if you live with me, then you don't have to buy your own groceries. And I'm not just offering for the purpose of you not buying groceries. My cheeks start to feel hot as I blush. "Oh Nate, I don't know.." "What's standing in the way? I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you so why hold back? I understand if your feelings haven't developed for me as fast as mine have for you, but that's ok, this will still work." "They have, I just feel bad., I'm kind of high maintenance.." I say as I start to laugh. "I doubt it, give me an example." "The red walls in your room, it's gotta go" Nate fakes a gasp. "You don't like the red?!" "Not really," we both laugh "it's just so... bold... You need something more comforting!""Like what?" "We can discuss at a later time." "Well I can live with whatever changes you'd like to make, as long as I have you." "Then I guess I'm moving!"

Nate wraps his arms around me tightly and kisses me on the head. "You look hot with bed head" he says. I hit his arm and laugh, "stop! Normally my hair is up when I go to bed so it doesn't look like this!" "I wasn't kidding!" "Well you look pretty hot with bed head too" I reply. Whether he was kidding or not, I wasn't. "Well, I'm starving, so how about we go get some breakfast?" "It's nearly 5, breakfast is long over.." "Diners serve breakfast all day!"

We grabs all the pillows and blankets and stuff them into the backseat. We drive into to town and go get 'breakfast' at a diner right near Nate's house, but we don't stay for long. After eating we go back to Nate's house and decide to watch a movie, and Sammy joins us. While watching 'Men, Women, and Children', Nate gets a phone call that seems pretty serious because he had to leave the room.

"Who do you think it is?" I ask Sammy. "I think it's his manager, but I'm not sure what could be going on." We sit in silence for a few minutes as we wait for Nate to return. "Did you tell him about what I told you?" "No, and I don't plan to. I'm really glad you told me, but I don't want him to think I see him differently now, because I don't.. But thank you again Sammy, you're a good guy." He smiles sheepishly, "thanks Lucy." "You kinda get a bad rep, but you shouldn't.. You're really sweet, and funny, and not bad on the eyes either.." Sammy smirks. "Thanks, saying you aren't bad on the eyes would be an understatement, but you're Nate's girl so I can't be much nicer than that.." We both laugh a little. "Well thanks Sammy.. How don't you have a girlfriend?" His lingering smile from laughing now fades. "I guess you could say I'm emotionally unavailable.." "Sammy!!! Tell me about her!!!" Sammy bites his bottom lip and I can tell he's trying to think about what to say. "She's perfect. But she'll never be mine. So I don't have much else to say." I can see the sadness in his eyes. "Oh I see.." Sammy looks down and starts to fidget with his fingers. "I think you should take a chance, what's the worst that could happen?" He looks back up to me and his eyes look so sad. I guess there's more to it. "I wish it were that easy.." "I'm sorry Sam-" Nate walks in and interrupts, "Sorry about that, but need to talk about something that's just come up." Oh no.

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