Chapter 15

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I open the door and let Nate in. "Hey babe, you look nice" he says he leans in for a hug. "Sammy? What are you doing here?" he asks while still holding me in his arms. He lets go of me to go see Sammy. "Uh, Lucy left her book in the living room the other day and uh.. I thought it'd be nice of me to drop it off" "and then I invited him in for a drink!" Nate looks at us with confusion. "Ok then.. Anyways, we have to get going cause we're running late.. Sammy, you can just drive over with us." We both nod in agreement and get up and ready to leave.

When we get down stairs there is a limo waiting for us wow. How fancy. Nate opens the door for me and I get in, with Sammy and Nate following behind. "So where are we going?" I ask. "It's a surprise! Just trust me, it's going to be a great night." We drive for a while until we finally come to a stop. Nate opens the door and we all get out. We are at the beginning of s red carpet leading into a building k can't really determine what it is. "Oh my god, Nate!" He smirks at me and grabs my hand. We walk down the carpet and stop once to take some pictures. When we make it inside, there is a crowd of people waiting. We shuffle through them until we make it to the back and we enter a new room. Both Jacks are here, along with Shawn Mendes. "Hey guys, Shawn, this is Lucy, Lucy, this is Shawn." "Hi, nice to meet you!" Shawn says as he gets up and gives me a hug. Nate gives us a look of jealousy, even though he has nothing to be jealous of. I join Nate on one of the couches. "So tonight y/n, we are performing a show, and then there is a little after party.. We're gonna have you watch from backstage so that you don't get trampled" Jack G says. "Sounds great! I can't wait to hear you guys perform live! Especially you Shawn, I'm a huge fan." "Aw thanks Lucy!" I receive another jealous look from Nate.. He'll get over it.

After sitting around for while, a pizza arrived, in which we demolished in under 5 minutes. Then after eating, the boys get ready to go on stage and I get situated back stage. Shawn performs a few songs first and he sounds amazing. He's super talented. After Shawn, Jack & Jack perform. They're really fun to watch. With one more song left, Nate joins them on stage. Nate grabs a mic. "Hello LA!" The crowd starts to cheer. "We have one last song for you tonight before Shawn finishes up his set. This song is called Like That, and is like to dedicate it to a very special girl I have waiting for me backstage." He looks over to me and winks. The music starts to play and they start to their thing. Although it's no beautiful ballad of a song, it means a lot to me. If I'm interpreting the lyrics correctly, he's saying he wants to settle down with me because I'm different than the rest. When the song ends, a worker from backstage runs out and hands him a bouquet of flowers. "Lucy, please come on out here!" I'm a bit hesitant, but I go out anyway. I walk out and he gives me a big hug and picks me up. I look out to crowd and see a lot of people recording this on video. I don't know how I really feel about that but I'll deal. The crowd starts to chant, "KISS KISS KISS KISS" and we start to laugh. He leans in for a kiss and I lean in too. We kiss but not for long because it's a bit awkward with everyone watching. Everyone starts to clap and we laugh again. "Thank you everyone!" Nate says as we exit the stage.

We go back to the room we were in earlier and we sit down on the couch, with me on his lap. "Did you like that Lucy?" he says with a smile. "Like it? I loved it!" I grab his face and kiss him. He parts from the kiss after a minute to say "the night isn't over yet!"

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