Chapter 27

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After Jack and Sammy talk for a while, Sammy falls asleep. "Can you explain to me what's going on now?" Jack asks. I nod, "Sammy had some problems with his head and when he woke up from surgery he remembered me immediately, but he thinks I'm his girlfriend. He doesn't remember his family. He only remembers Nate as a celebrity and not as his friend. We asked him who his best friend was and he said you. As of right now, he really only remembers us..." Jack starts shaking his head, "no fucking way.. What are you going to do about him thinking you're dating?" I squeeze Sammy's hand gently, "I don't know... I ju-"

There's a knock on the door. The door opens and a surgeon comes in, "Hi, can I ask you some questions about Sam?" We nod. The surgeon comes and sits with us. "Were any of you with him at any point last night?" "I was with him until about 5pm and then he left to go to gym and get his mind straight" I say. "So he was upset?" I nod. "When he's upset, does he typically drink?" I look at Jack, "I don't think so.." "Yeah he usually has other ways of taking care of it.." Jack chimes in. I hope the doctor doesn't ask what those other ways are because I don't want to have to explain how Sammy smokes weed. The doctor sighs, "he must have been pretty upset then because his BAC was around a .4 which is extremely high and dangerous. He's lucky to be alive right now." I start to tear up, "so the accident, it was his fault, wasn't it?" I ask. "I'm afraid so." "Who else was involved? Are they ok?" "Well, the car he hit had a driver who was only 16. Luckily she made it out perfectly ok. The girls family has decided not to press charges, but he will receive a DWI. When he is completely recovered we can go over the rest of the details." "Thank you" I say faintly as the doctor walks away.

Jack and I stay silent for a few minutes out of shock. "What are you going to do about Sammy? You can't just live a fake relationship with him and still be with Nate." "I know.. He's just not mentally stable right now. He was obviously pretty upset before hand, and now if one of the only people he really knows 'breaks up' with him, he'll be a mess. He can't be alone right now." "But he can't be with you. It's him or Nate. You can't have both, so you have to choose." "I know" I respond faintly through my tears. "So who is it going to be Lucy?"

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